Complete Bibliography
Contributions to Books
1. "Metro and the Voters," in Planning, 1959 (American Society of Planning Officials, 1959).
Articles (General)
2. "Popular Culture in Israel," in Detroit Jewish News (1953).
3. "Radio in Israel," in Detroit Jewish News (1953).
4. "The Tercentenary Story," with Maurice del Bourgo, series syndicated in the American Jewish Press (1954).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
5. American Jewry (B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Washington University, St. Louis, 1955).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
6. A Case Study in the Failure of Metropolitan Integration: Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee (National Opinion Research Center).
7. Some Social Problems of the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area (Commission Paper of the University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs).
Contributions to Books
8. "Local Government in Intergovernmental Perspective," in Lois Pelekoudas, editor, Illinois Local Government (University of Illinois Press).
Articles (Academic)
9. "Churches as Molders in American Politics," in American Behavioral Scientist (May).
10. "A Constitutional View of Jewish History," in Judaism (Summer).
Articles (General)
11. "My Jewish Affirmation," in Judaism (Fall).
12. "Rethinking the Hillel Program," with David Lieberman, in The Reconstructionist (June 30).
13. "More on Intellectuals," in The Reconstructionist (June 2).
Republications and Translations
14. "Some Social Problems of the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area," in Public Aid in Illinois (April) Republication of No. 7.
15. The American Partnership: Intergovernmental Cooperation in the United States (University of Chicago Press).
Articles (General)
16. "An Academic Havurah," in The Reconstructionist (May 18).
17. "The Jewish Intellectual and the Congregation," in The American Rabbi (April).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
18. A Classification System for Libraries of Judaica (experimental edition).
19. "Crazy Horse; The Strange Man of the Oglalas" by Mari Sandoz, in The Colorado Magazine, Vol. XXXIX, No. 2 (April).
Contributions to Books
20. "An Indignant Citizen Looks at Reapportionment," in Reapportionment (Virginia Commission of Constitutional Rights).
21. "The Office of Governor in Illinois: 1818-1933," in Lois Pelekoudas, editor, The Office of Governor in Illinois (University of Illinois Press).
22. "Franz Kafka and Cultural Partnership," in Judaism (Vol. 12, No. 4, Fall).
Contributions to Books
23. "Influences on Political Values and the Wabash Basin," in Ronald Boyce, editor, Regional Development and the Wabash Region (University of Illinois Press).
24. "States, U.S.," in Britannica Book of the Year.
Articles (Academic)
25. "Cosmopolitans and Locals in Contemporary Community Politics," with Douglas St. Angelo, in Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Science (May).
26. "Federal-State Collaboration in the Nineteenth Century United States," in Political Science Quarterly (June).
Articles (General)
27. "Needed: Hebrew High Schools," in Jewish Spectator (June).
28. "The Organic Jewish Community," in The Reconstructionist (October 16 and 30).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
29. The Organic Jewish Community, with Mordecai M. Kaplan (Reconstructionist Press).
Contributions to Books
30. "Government and the Economy in the Civil War Generation," in David Gilchrist and David Lewis, editors, Economic Change in the Civil War Era (Eleutherian Mills Hagley Foundation).
31. "States, U.S.," in Britannica Book of the Year.
32. "The States and the Nation," in Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines, Politics in the American States: A Comparative Analysis (Little, Brown).
Articles (General)
33. "Banking and Federalism in the Early Republic," in Huntington Library Quarterly (August).
34. "Constitutional Change in a Long-Depressed Economy: A Case Study in Duluth Community, in Minnesota Academy of Science.
35. "Gubernatorial Power and the Illinois and Michigan Canal," in Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (Winter).
36. "The Shaping of Intergovernmental Relations in the Twentieth Century," in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (May).
37. "Which Road to the Presidency?," in Southwestern Social Science Quarterly (June).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
38. "The Direction and Future of Public Library Service and Facilities in Hennepin County and Minneapolis" (co-author). Report of the Citizens League of Minneapolis and Hennepin County (March 3).
39. The Record of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, Statement by Daniel J. Elazar before the Senate Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations (May 27).
Republications and Translations
40. "Local Government in Intergovernmental Perspective," in Lois Pelekoudas, editor, Illinois Local Government, second edition, revised (University of Illinois Press). Republication of No. 8.
41. "The Organic Jewish Community", Reconstructionist Report No.2. Republication of No. 28.
42. American Federalism: A View From the States (T.Y. Crowell).
43. The American System: A New View of Government in the United States, edited for Morton Grodzins (Rand McNally).
43a. Chapter One reprinted as "The American System as a Single Mechanism," in Lockard, editor, Governing the States and Localities (Macmillan, 1969).
43b. Chapter One reprinted in Reeves and Glendening, editors, Controversies of State and Local Political Systems (Allyn and Bacon, 1972).
43c. Pages 156-171 reprinted as "The Bundle of Governmental Services," in Golebiewski, editor, Public Budgeting and Finance (Peacock, 1968).
43d. Pages 190-197 reprinted as "Federal and State Impacts," in Danfield, editor, Urban Government, revised edition (Free Press, 1969).
43e. Pages 89, 93-113, and 121-124 reprinted as "Sharing of Functions: The National Political System," in Morgan and Connor, editors, The American Political System: Introductory Readings (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971).
Contributions to Books
44. "The American Partnership: The Next Half Generation," in Edgar L. Morphet and Charles O. Ryan, editors, Prospective Changes in Society by 1980 (Designing Education for the Future).
45. "Developments in the States in 1965," in Britannica Book of the Year.
46. "Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations," in National Council of Social Studies Yearbook.
Articles (Academic)
47. "Are We a Nation of Cities?," in The Public Interest, Vol. 4, Summer.
48. "The Continuing Study of the Partnership: The Publications of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations," in Public Administration Review (March).
49. "The Inauguration of Minnesota's Railroad System: A Study in Intergovernmental Collaboration," in The Journal of the West (May).
Republications and Translations
50. "Are We a Nation of Cities?," in The Congressional Record, Abridged version of No. 47.
51. "The Continuing Study of the Partnership: The Publications of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations," in The Congressional Record. Republication of No. 48.
Contributions to Books
52. "Developments in the States in 1966," in Britannica Book of the Year.
53. "The Pursuit of Community: Selections from the Literature of Jewish Public Affairs, 1965-66," in American Jewish Year Book, Vol. 68.
54. "Urbanism and Federalism in the United States," in Urban America: Goals and Problems, Hearings of the Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress (Government Printing Office).
Articles (Academic)
55. "American Political Theory and the Political Notions of American Jews: Convergences and Contradictions," in Jewish Journal of Sociology (June).
56. "'Fragmentation' and Local Organizational Response to Federal-City Programs," in Urban Affairs Quarterly (June).
57. "Urban Problems and the Federal Government: A Historical Inquiry," in Political Science Quarterly (December).
Articles (General)
58. "Involving Jewish Intellectuals," in Jewish Heritage (Fall).
59. "Israel's Sephardim: The Myth of the 'Two Cultures'," in The American Sephardi, Vol. 1, No. 2 (June).
60. "The Kenites of America: The Jewish Position in American Society," in Tradition, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Fall).
Republications and Translations
61. The American Partnership: The Next Half Generation (Citation Press). Republication of No. 44.
62. "Federal-State Collaboration in the Nineteenth Century United States," in Aaron Wildavsky, editor, American Federalism in Perspective (Little, Brown). Republication of No. 26.
63. "Federal-State Collaboration in the Nineteenth Century United States," in Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress, Revenue Sharing and its Alternatives: What Future for Fiscal Federalism? Vol. 1. (Washington, D.C.). Republication of No. 26.
64. "Jewish Political Notions and American Political Theory," in Jewish Digest. Abridged version of No. 55.
65. "HaShita HaMedinit HaAmericait VeHaNetiyot HaMediniot Shel Yehudai America," in Gesher (September). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 55.
66. A Classification System for Libraries of Judaica, with David H. Elazar (Wayne State University Libraries).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
67. Federalism and the Community (University of Pittsburgh).
Contributions to Books
68. "Are We a Nation of Cities?," in Robert A. Goldwin, editor, A Nation of Cities (Rand McNally).
69. "Continuity and Change in American Federalism," in Proceedings of the Sixtieth Annual Conference of the National Tax Association, 1967.
70. "Developments in the States in 1967," in Britannica Book of the Year.
71. "Federalism," in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (Macmillan).
72. "The Impact of Cooperative Financing Solutions," in Perspectives on State and Local Finance (Southern Regional Education Board).
Articles (Academic)
73. "Megalopolis and the New Sectionalism," in The Public Interest (Spring).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
74. The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Assistance Act of 1967, with Ellis Katz (Center for the Study of Federalism).
75. The Study of American Political Culture, Working Kit No. 1: Culture and the Study of Political Culture, with Joseph Zikmund II (Center for the Study of Federalism).
76. The Study of American Political Culture, Working Kit No. 2: American Political Culture and Its Subcultures (Center for the Study of Federalism).
77. Toward a Generational Theory of American Politics (Center for the Study of Federalism).
78. "A Nation Moving West," Robert W. Richmond and Robert W. Murdock, editors, in New Mexico Historical Review, Vol. XLII, No. 1 (January).
79. "New Federations: Experiments in Commonwealth" by R. L. Watts, in Political Science Quarterly, Vol. LXXXIII, No. 4 (December).
Republications and Translations
80. Urban Problems and the Federal Government: A Historical Inquiry (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 57.
81. "The Shaping of Intergovernmental Relations in the Twentieth Century," in Robert E. Crew, editor, State Politics (Wadsworth). Republication of No. 36.
82. "The Shaping of Intergovernmental Relations in the Twentieth Century," in Winter, Rabow and Chester, editors, State Politics (Wadsworth). Republication of No. 36.
83. "The States and the Nation," in U.S. Army Education Manuals. Selected reprints of No. 32.
84. "The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Assistance Act of 1967," in Minnesota Sheriff (February-March). Republication of No. 74.
85. "Involving Jewish Intellectuals," in Jewish Affairs (February). Republication of No. 58.
86. Cooperation and Conflict: A Reader in American Federalism, editor with R. Bruce Carroll, A. Lester Levine and Douglas St. Angelo, and contributor (Peacock).
87. The Politics of American Federalism. Edited with introduction and contributions (D.C. Heath).
Contributions to Books
88. "Developments in the States in 1968," in Britannica Book of the Year.
89. "Land Space and Civil Society in America," in Ivan Hanson, editor, Land Settlement Policy (North Carolina State University).
90. "The Outlook for Creative Federalism," in Roland Warren, editor, Politics and the Ghettos (Atherton). Monthly selection of the Library of Urban Affairs and the Library of Political Affairs.
91. "The Rediscovered Polity: Selections from the Literature of Jewish Public Affairs, 1967-68," in American Jewish Year Book, Vol. 70.
Articles (Academic)
92. "The Reconstruction of Jewish Communities in the Postwar Period," in Jewish Journal of Sociology (December).
93. "Working Conditions in Chicago in the Early 20th Century," in American Jewish Archives (November).
Articles (General)
94. "Jews and American Political Ideas," in Congress Bi-Weekly (January 13).
Reports, Working Papers, and Study Aids
95. HaMishtar HaFederali Be'Artzot HaBrit: Mekorot V'Maamari (Hebrew: The American Federal System: Sources and Articles). 2 Vols. Editor and contributor (Academon).
96. Smaller Cities in Metropolitan Society: The New American "Towns" (Center for the Study of Federalism).
97. State Activities and Intergovernmental Developments in 1968 (Center for the Study of Federalism).
98. "Federalism in the Southern Confederacy" by Curtis A. Amlund, in American Political Science Review, Vol. LXIII, No. 1 (March).
Republications and Translations
99. The American Partnership: The Next Half Generation (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 44.
100. Banking and Federalism in the Early Republic (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 33.
101. Constitutional Change in a Long-Depressed Economy: A Case Study in Duluth Community (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 34.
102. The Continuing Study of the Partnership: The Publication of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 48.
103. Cosmopolitans and Locals in Contemporary Community Politics, with Douglas St. Angelo (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 25.
104. Federal-State Collaboration in the Nineteenth Century United States (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 26.
105. Government and the Economy in the Civil War Generation (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 30.
106. Gubernatorial Power and the Illinois and Michigan Canal (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 35.
107. The Inauguration of Minnesota's Railroad System: A Study in Intergovernmental Collaboration (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 49.
108. Land, Space and Civil Society in America (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 89.
109. Megalopolis and the New Sectionalism (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 73.
110. The Shaping of Intergovernmental Relations in the Twentieth Century (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 36.
111. "American Political Ideas and the Political Notions of American Jews: Convergences and Contradictions," in Peter I. Rose, editor, The Ghetto and Beyond (Random House). Republication of No. 55.
112. "Are We a Nation of Cities?," in Mahood and Angus, editors, Urban Politics and Problems (Scribners). Republication of No. 47.
113. "Are We a Nation of Cities?," in Shank, editor, Political Power and the Urban Crisis (Holbrook Press). Republication of No. 47.
114. "Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations," in Cooperation and Conflict (see No. 86 above). Republication of No. 46.
115. "Local Government in Intergovernmental Perspective," in Cooperation and Conflict (see No. 86 above). Republication of No. 8.
116. "Local Government in Intergovernmental Perspective," in The Politics of American Federalism (No. 85). Republication of No. 8.
117. "The Partnership in Action," in Michael N. Danielson and Walter F. Murphy, editors, Modern American Democracy: Readings (Holt, Rinehart and Winston). Republication of Chapter Three of No. 42.
118. "The Partnership in Action," in Duane Lockard, editor, American Federalism (McGraw-Hill). Republication of Chapter Three of No. 42.
119. "The Shaping of Intergovernmental Relations in the Twentieth Century," in Cooperation and Conflict (see No.86 above). Republication of No. 36.
120. "The Shaping of Intergovernmental Relations in the Twentieth Century," in The Politics of American Federalism (see No. 87 above). Republication of No. 36.
121. "Urban Problems and the Federal Government: A Historical Inquiry," in Alexander B. Callow, editor, American Urban History (Oxford University Press). Republication of No. 57.
122. Cities of the Prairie: The Metropolitan Frontier and American Politics (New York: Basic Books).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
123. Studying the Civil Community (Center for the Study of Federalism).
124. Involving Faculty in Jewish Communal Affairs (Council of Jewish Federations).
Contributions to Books
125. "Developments in the States in 1969," in Britannica Book of the Year.
Articles (Academic)
126. "Federalism-Without-Washington," in Compact (April).
127. "Jewish Education and the American Jewish Community: What the Community Studies Tell Us," in The Pedagogic Reporter (March).
128. "The Resurgence of Federalism," in State Government (Summer).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
129. Israel's Sephardim: The Myth of the "Two Cultures" (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
Articles (General)
130. "Contemporary Jewry Between Two Revolutions," in Jewish Frontier (May).
131. "Nature Preservation in Israel," in The Living Wilderness (Summer).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
132. American Federalism: A Working Outline (Center for the Study of Federalism).
133. An Analysis of S.2483: The Intergovernmental Revenue Act of 1969, with Barnaby Wittels (Center for the Study of Federalism).
134. Enhancing Environmental Quality: Some Basic Questions (Center for the Study of Federalism).
135. Israel: From Ideological to Territorial Democracy (Center for the Study of Federalism and Study of Jewish Community Organization).
136. Local Government and Politics in Israel: A Preliminary Budget of Research Questions (Center for the Study of Federalism).
137. The Metropolitan Frontier: A Perspective on Urbanization in America (General Learning Press).
138. The Nixon Welfare-Manpower Proposals and the American Federal System (Center for the Study of Federalism).
139. Preliminary Bibliography of English Materials for the Comparative Study of Contemporary Jewish Community Organization (Study of Jewish Community Organization).
140. State Activities and Intergovernmental Developments in 1969 (Center for the Study of Federalism).
141. Studying Jewish Communities: A Research Guide (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
142. "Seminar in Jewish Political Theories and Institutions," in Association for Jewish Studies Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1 (November).
Republications and Translations
143. The Rediscovered Polity: Selections from the Literature of Jewish Public Affairs, 1967-68 (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 91.
144. "The States and the Nation," in Stephen V. Monsma and Jack R. VanDerSlik, editors, American Politics: Research and Readings (Holt, Rinehart and Winston). Republication of No. 32.
145. "The States and the Nation," in William E. Brigman and John S. Vanderoef, editors, The Fiber of Democracy: Readings in American Government and Politics (Canfield Press). Republication of No. 32.
146. "The States and the Political Setting," in Ira Sharkansky, editor, Policy Analysis in Political Science (Markham). Republication of pages 84-104 of No. 42.
147. "Hitargenut MeHadash Shel HaKehillot HaYehudiot Aharei HaMilhama," in BeTefutzot HaGolah, Vol. 12, No. 1/2 (52-53). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 93.
148. "Nature Preservation in Israel," in The American Eagle (October). Republication of No. 131.
149. Heker HaShilton HeMekomi BeYisrael (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 136.
150. The Politics of Belleville (Temple University Press).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
151. Israel: From Ideological to Territorial Democracy (General Learning Press).
152. The United States Political System (Center for the Study of Federalism).
Contributions to Books
153. HaTzibbur HaYehudi Nochah HaAntishemiut HaKushit BeArtzot HaBrit (Hebrew: The Jewish Community Faces Black Anti-Semitism in the United States). Contributor (Hebrew University Institute of Contemporary Jewry).
154. "Foreword," in Henry R. Glick, Supreme Courts in State Politics (Basic Books).
Articles (Academic)
155. "Civil War and the Preservation of American Federalism," in Publius, Vol. 1, No. 1.
156. "Community Self-Government and the Crisis of American Politics," in Ethics (January).
157. "The Institutional Life of American Jewry," in Midstream (June).
158. "A Note on the Structural Dynamics of the American Jewish Community," in Judaism (Summer).
Articles (General)
159. "Arab 'Moderates' and the American Fallacy," in Congress Bi-Weekly (April 30).
160. "Toward a Meaningful World Covenant," in Reconstructionist (September 17).
161. The 8th Annual American-Israel Dialogue, in Congress Bi-Weekly (February 26). Contributor in dialogue.
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
162. The Organization and Status of Contemporary Jewish Communities - 5730 (1969-1970) (Study of Jewish Community Organization).
163. "Comments on a Symposium," in Public Administration Review (January/February).
Journals and Serial Publications
164. Publius, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring), edited with Introduction: "The Themes of a Journal of Federalism."
165. Publius, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Winter), edited with Introduction: "Publius No. 2: Themes and Theses."
Republications and Translations
166. Community Self-Government and the Crisis of American Politics (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 156.
167. Involving Faculty in Jewish Communal Affairs (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 124.
168. Jewish Education and the American Jewish Community: What the Community Studies Tell Us (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 127.
169. A Note on the Structural Dynamics of the American Jewish Community (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 158.
170. The Pursuit of Community: Selections from the Literature of Jewish Public Affairs, 1965-66 (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 53.
171. The Reconstitution of Jewish Communities in the Postwar Period (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 92.
172. The Resurgence of Federalism (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 128.
173. "Are We a Nation of Cities?," in Richard E. Morgan and James E. Connor, editors, The American Political System: Introductory Readings (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, Inc.). Republication of No. 47.
174. "The Shaping of Intergovernmental Relations in the Twentieth Century," in Ronald C. Moe and William A. Schultze, editors, American Government and Politics: Selected Readings (Merrill). Republication of No. 36.
175. "The Shaping of Intergovernmental Relations in the Twentieth Century," in Donald Sprengel, editor, Comparative State Politics (Merrill). Republication of No. 36.
176. "The States and the Political Setting," in Donald Sprengel, editor, Comparative State Politics (Merrill). Republication of Chapter Four of No. 42.
177. Toward a Meaningful World Covenant (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Reprint of No. 160.
178. "Hitargenut MeHadash Shel HaKehillot HaYehudiot Aharai HaMilhama," in Am Yisral U'Tefutzotav (World Zionist Organization). Republication of No. 147.
179. "HaYehudim VeHaRaayonot HaMediniim HaAmericaniim," in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 9, No. 2 (March-April). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 94.
180. American Federalism: A View From the States, 2nd edition, revised (T.Y. Crowell).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
181. Building Citizenship in the Emerging Jewish Community (Council of Jewish Federations).
182. Decision-Making in the American Jewish Community (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
183. HaHaim HaMosdiim V'Darchei HaPeulah Shel HaKehillah HaYehudit B'Artzot HaBrit (Hebrew: The Institutional Life and Activity Patterns of the American Jewish Community) (American Jewish Committee).
184. Kinship and Consent in the Jewish Community (Council of Jewish Federations).
Contributions to Books
185. "An Academic Havurah," in Jacob Neusner, editor, Contemporary Judaic Fellowship in Theory and Practice (Ktav).
186. "The Activity Spheres of the American Jewish Community," in Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies.
187. "[Jewish] Community Organization Since World War II," in Encyclopedia Judaica.
188. "Confrontation and Reconstitution: Selections from the Literature of Jewish Public Affairs, 1969-1971," in American Jewish Year Book, Vol. 73.
189. "Introduction," in Henry Cohen and Gary Sandrow, Philadelphia Chooses a Mayor (American Jewish Committee).
190. "The Legal Status of American Jewry," with Stephen Goldstein, in American Jewish Year Book, Vol. 73.
191. "School Decentralization and Community Control," in Michael Kirst, editor, State, Schools and Politics (D.C. Heath).
Articles (Academic)
192. "Fiscal Questions and Political Answers in Intergovernmental Finance," in Public Administration Review (September/October).
193. "Introduction," in The Publius Symposium on the Future of American Federalism, Publius, Vol. 2, No. 1, (Spring).
Articles (General)
194. "The Dilemmas of Revenue Sharing," in Ripon Forum (May).
195. "Israel and the 'Territories': Toward a Workable Federal Solution," in Jewish Frontier (October).
196. "Patterns of Jewish Communal Participation," in Congress Bi-Weekly (March 24).
197. "The Politics of Environmental Action," in Rodale's Environmental Bulletin (July 22).
198. "The Professor and the Community," in 4th Friday (January 14).
199. "Toward a Revival of Progressivism," in Ripon Forum (October).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
200. "America and the Holy Land," in American Jewish Historical Quarterly, Vol. LXII, No. 1 (September). Participant in forum.
201. Population Growth and the Federal System (Center for the Study of Federalism).
202. Studying Jewish Communities: A Research Guide, revised edition (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
203. "In Search of Community," in Midstream (January).
204. "The Silent Millions, A History of the Jews of the Soviet Union" by Joel Cang, in International Migration Review Vol. 6, No. 3 (Fall).
205. "War and Hope - A History of the Jewish Legion" by Elias Gilner, in Tradition, Vol. 12, No. 3-4 (Winter-Spring).
206. "Making Federalism Work: A Study of Program Coordination at the Community Level" by James L. Sundquist, in collaboration with David W. Davies, in Publius, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Spring).
Journals and Serial Publications
207. Publius, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Spring), edited with Introduction: "Contemporary Federalism in Germany and the Future of Federalism in America."
208. Publius, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Fall), edited with Introduction: "Sectionalism, State Benefits, and Community Control."
Republications and Translations
209. Confrontation and Reconstitution: Selections from the Literature of Jewish Public Affairs, 1969-1971 (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 188.
210. Israel: From Ideological to Territorial Democracy (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 151.
211. The Legal Status of American Jewry (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 190.
212. "Are We a Nation of Cities?," in Charles M. Haar, editor, The End of Innocence (Scott Foresman). Republication of No. 47.
213. "Federalism and Political Culture: A View From the States," in James A. Buekhart, Samuel Krislov and Raymond L. Lee, editors, American Government: The Clash of Issues, Fourth edition (Prentice-Hall). Republication of pages 81-85 of No. 47.
214. "'Fragmentation' and Local Organizational Response to Federal-City Programs," in David R. Morgan and Samuel A. Kirkpatrick, editors, Urban Political Analysis: A Systems Approach (Free Press). Republication of No. 56.
215. "The Resurgence of Federalism," in S. Kenneth Howard and Gloria A. Grizzle, editors, Whatever Happened to State Budgeting? Republication of No. 128.
216. "Darchei HaPeulah Shel HaKehillah HaYehudit HaMeurgenet: HaTahalich Shel Kabalat Hachlatot", in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 10, Nos. 5/6 (Sept-Dec). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 182.
217. "HaHaim HaMosdiim Shel Yahadut America," in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 10, Nos. 5/6 (Sept-Dec). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 156.
218. "Shituf Anshei-Segel Academi Beinyanei HaKehillah HaYehudit," in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 10, No. 1 (January-February). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 124.
Journals and Serial Publications
219. The Federal Polity. Special issue of Publius in book form (Vol. 3, No. 2). Editor and contributor.
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
220. The Metropolitan Frontier: A Perspective on Urbanization in America (General Learning Press).
Contributions to Books
221. "A New Golden Age for the States: Do They Have the Will to Respond?," in Serving the States Since 1933 (Council of State Governments).
222. "Cursed by Bigness: Toward a Post-Technocratic Federalism," in Daniel J. Elazar, editor, The Federal Polity (see No. 219 above).
223. "Decision-Making in the American Jewish Community," in David Sidorsky, editor, The Future of the American Jewish Community (Basic Books).
224. "First Principles," in Daniel J. Elazar, editor, The Federal Polity (see No. 219 above).
225. "Foreword," in Miriam Ershkowitz and Joseph Zikmund II, editors, Black Politics in Philadelphia (Basic Books).
226. "Government, Biblical," in Encyclopedia Judaica Yearbook.
227. "Local Government as an Integrating Factor in Israeli Society," in Michael Curtis and Mordecai Chertoff, editors, Israel: Social Structure and Change (Transaction Books).
228. "Population Growth and the Federal System," in A. Keir Nash, Governance and Population: The Governmental Implications of Population Change (Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, Research Reports, Vol. IV).
229. "Revenue Sharing: Are the States and Localities Responsible?," in Inter-Governmental Revenue Act of 1971 and Related Legislation (U.S. Senate).
230. "Urban Problems and the Federal Government: A Historical Inquiry," in Alexander B. Callow, editor, American Urban History, second edition (Oxford University Press).
Articles (Academic)
231. "Authentic Federalism for America," in National Civic Review (October).
232. "Decision-Makers in Communal Agencies: A Profile," in Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Vol. XLIX, No. 4 (Summer).
233. "Government in Biblical Israel," in Tradition (Spring-Summer).
234. "The Decision-Makers: Key Divisions in Jewish Communal Life," in Dispersion and Unity (19/20).
235. "Jewish Survival and American Jewish Leadership," in Conservative Judaism (Summer).
Articles (General)
236. "The American Sephardi Federation and the Sephardic Renaissance," in The Sephardic Voice (January).
237. "The Geography of American Jewish Communal Life," in Congress Bi-Weekly (January 26).
238. "A University College for the Jewish People Sponsored by the Sephardic Community," in the Sephardic Voice (January).
239. "Varieties of Jewish Leadership," in Jewish Spectator (June).
240. "Women in American Jewish Life," in Congress Bi-Weekly (November 23).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
241. The New Federalism, A Conference (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars). Speech and comments.
Journals and Serial Publications
242. Publius, Vol. 3, No. 1, edited with Introduction: "Federalism in Theory and Practice: Some French, American, and Nigerian Examples."
Republications and Translations
243. The Politics of Environmental Action (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 197.
244. "Are We A Nation of Cities?," in Roland Warren, editor, Perspectives on the American Community, second edition (Rand McNally). Republication of No. 47.
245. "Are We a Nation of Cities?," in Angela Lask, Richard Roe and Students, This is a Sociology Reader (Rinehart Press). Republication of No. 47.
246. "'Fragmentation' and Local Organizational Response to Federal-City Programs," in Alexander Callow, Jr., editor, American Urban History (Oxford University Press). Republication of No. 56.
247. Government in Biblical Israel (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Reprint of No. 233.
248. "The Resurgence of Federalism," in Field and Grafton, editors, The Uneasy Partnership (National Press). Republication of No. 128.
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
249. American Jewry and the Yom Kippur War, A First Assessment of the Community Response (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
250. Kavim LeHidush Politi U'Minhali Shel HaShilton HaMekomiBaAretz (Hebrew: Lines for Political and Administrative Reform of Local Government in Israel) (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government).
251. Seridai HaKehillot HaYehudiot BeArtzot HaBalkan (Hebrew: The Governance of the Jewish Communities of the Balkans), Special issue of Tefutsot Israel (April), editor and contributor.
Contributions to Books
252. "Centralization and Decentralization in the American Federal System," with Morton Grodzins, in Robert A. Goldwin, editor, A Nation of States, second edition (Rand McNally).
253. "Federalism," in Encyclopedia Britannica.
254. "Introduction," and "The Place of Jewish Political Studies on the Campus," in Moshe Davis, editor, Contemporary Jewish Civilization on the American Campus: Research and Teaching, in American Jewish History, Vol. LXIII, No. 4 (June).
255. "Israel - United States Relations: Present and Future Trends," in Summary of Proceedings: Boston Jewish Community Leadership Conference (Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston).
256. "The Reaction of World Jewry: The United States," with Moshe Davis, in Encyclopedia Judaica 1974 Yearbook.
257. "United States of America: Overview," in Moshe Davis, editor, The Yom Kippur War, Israel and the Jewish People (Arno Press).
Articles (Academic)
258. "Al Tafkidei HaShilton HaMercazi VeHaShilton HaMekomi" (Hebrew: "On the Functions of the Central and Local Governments"), in Hadashot Universitat Bar-Ilan (June).
259. "Editor's Introduction," in The Publius Symposium on State Legislatures, in Publius, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Spring).
260. "Halukat Tafkidim Bein HaShilton HaMekomi LaShilton HaMercazi - Hearot Teoretiot" (Hebrew: "The Division of Functions Between Local And Central Government - Theoretical Comments"), in Netivai Irgun U'Minhal (Summer).
261. "Jewish Political Studies as a Field of Inquiry," in Jewish Social Studies (July-October).
262. "Kinship and Consent in the Jewish Community: Patterns of Continuity in Jewish Communal Life," in Tradition, Vol. 14, No. 4 (Fall).
263. "Land Space and Civil Society in America," in Western Historical Quarterly (Summer).
264. "Local Government as an Integrating Factor in Israel," in International Problems (See No. 227).
265. "The New Federalism: Can the States Be Trusted?," in The Public Interest (Spring).
266. "Perspectives on Jewish Political Studies on the American Campus," in American Jewish Historical Quarterly (June).
267. "The Place of Jewish Political Studies on the Campus," in American Jewish Historical Quarterly, Vol. 63, No. 4 (June).
268. "Yahadut America - Shanah LeAhar Milhemet Yom Kippurim" (Hebrew: "American Jewry A Year After the Yom Kippur War"), in Gesher (July-October).
Articles (General)
269. "Authentic American Federalism," in The Philadelphia Inquirer (June 13).
270. "Filling the Gap in Local Administration," in Bar-Ilan University (Summer).
271. "The States Enter an Era of Opportunity," in The Philadelphia Inquirer (June 11).
272. "Who Is a Jew: Who Decides?," in Congress Bi-Weekly (April 19).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
273. Federalism: A Comparative Historical Approach (Center for the Study of Federalism).
274. Local Government and Politics in Israel: A Preliminary Research Guide (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Revision and expansion of No. 135.
275. Mishnaic and Talmudic References to Governmental Questions (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government).
276. Kabalat Hachlatot V'itzuv Mediniut (Hebrew: Decision Making and Policy Development) (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government).
277. Mosdot Mediniim BaYahadut (Hebrew: Jewish Political Institutions) (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government).
278. Yahasei Mercaz-Sadeh BeMimshal Artzi (Hebrew: Central-Local Relations in a Countrywide Regime) (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government).
Journal and Serial Publications
279. Publius, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Winter), edited with Introduction: "National Sharing, Local Control and State Integrity."
280. Publius, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Spring), edited with Introduction: "From the Editor."
281. Publius, Vol. 4, No. 3 (Summer), edited with Introduction: "Federalism in Multiple Dimensions."
282. Publius, Vol. 4. No. 4 (Fall). General Editor.
Republications and Translations
283. Israel: MeDemokratia Ideologit LeDemokratia Territorialit (Israel Ministry of the Interior). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 151.
284. Kinship and Consent in the Jewish Community: Patterns of Continuity in Jewish Communal Life (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Reprint of No. 262.
285. Land, Space and Civil Society in America (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 263.
286. "Decision-Making in the American Jewish Community," in Marshall Sklare, editor, The Jewish Community in America (Behrman House). Republication of No. 223.
287. "A New Golden Age for the States: Do They Have the Will to Respond?," in Current (July). Republication of No. 221.
288. "Israel's Sephardim: The Myth of the 'Two Cultures'," in The Sephardic Voice (February). Edited version of No. 59.
289. The Ecology of American Political Culture (T.Y. Crowell). Editor with Joseph Zikmund II, and contributor.
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
290. Federalism (National Journal Reprints), edited with Introduction.
291. The Jewish Community of Iran (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
292. "Yehudai Paras BaZman HaZeh" (Hebrew: "The Jews of Persia Today"). Special issue of Tefutsot Israel (March). Editor and contributor.
Contributions to Books
293. "Avant-Propos," and Introduction to Alain Greilsammer's, Les Mouvements Federalistes en France de 1945 a 1974 (Presses d'Europe).
294. "Community and State in Israel," in Israel as a Jewish Society (Jewish Agency for Israel, Institute for Leadership Development).
295. "Federal Assistance: Its Current Implications and Future Impact," (Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations).
296. "Jewish Political Studies as a Field of Inquiry," in Proceedings of the VI World Congress of Jewish Studies.
297. "The Local Elections: Sharpening the Trend Toward Territorial Democracy," in Asher Arian, editor, The Elections in Israel, 1973 (Jerusalem Academic Press).
298. "The New American Town," in Earl M. Baker, editor, The Suburban Reshaping of American Politics. Special issue of Publius in book form (Vol. 5, No. 1, Winter).
299. "Urbanism and Federalism: Twin Revolutions of the Modern Era," in Stephen L. Schechter, Federalism and Community: A Comparative View. Special issue of Publius in book form (Vol. 5, No. 2, Spring).
Articles (Academic)
300. "School Decentralization in the Context of Community Control: Some Neglected Considerations," in Phylon, Vol. 36, No. 4.
301. "Suburbanization: Reviving the Town as the Metropolitan Frontier," in Publius, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Winter).
302. "Toward Federal-State Partnerships in Science and Technology," in State Government (Spring).
Articles (General)
303. "Al Niflaot Mimun HaMiflagot" (Hebrew: "On the Wonders of Financing the Parties"), with Elyakim Rubenstein, in Ma'ariv (November 19).
304. "Building Jewish Citizenship in the Emerging American Jewish Community," in Forum (Spring).
305. "Innovation Begins at the Bottom," in The Philadelphia Inquirer (May 28).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
306. The Administration of Federal Programs in the Free Associated State of Puerto Rico, with R. Michael Stevens (Center for the Study of Federalism).
307. "Amending the Revenue Sharing Act to Encourage Local Government Modernization: What Modernization Measures Might Qualify for Favored Treatment," in Revenue Sharing and Local Government Modernization: A Conference Report (U.S. General Accounting Office).
308. The Clash of Political Subcultures: An Analysis of the Iowa Referenda on Negro Suffrage 1858-1867, with Robert Dykstra and Harlan Hahn (Center for the Study of Federalism).
309. "Training Executives for the Jewish Community," in Journal of Jewish Communal Service (Summer).
309a. Review of A Reader in Jewish Community Relations, Ann G. Wolfe (Ed.), 1975.
Journals and Serial Publications
310. Publius, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Winter). General Editor.
311. Publius, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Spring). General Editor.
312. Publius, Vol. 5, No. 3 (Summer). Edited with Introduction: "French Theoretical Perspectives and Observations on American Practice."
313. Publius, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Fall). General Editor.
Republications and Translations
314. An Academic Havurah (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 16.
315. The Activity Spheres of the American Jewish Community (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 186.
316. Building Citizenship in the Emerging American Jewish Community (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 304.
317. A Constitutional View of Jewish History (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 10.
318. Contemporary Jewry Between Two Revolutions (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 130.
319. Decision-Makers in Communal Agencies: A Profile (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 232.
320. The Decision-Makers: Key Divisions in Jewish Communal Life (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 234.
321. The Institutional Life of American Jewry (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 157.
322. Israel's Sephardim: The Myth of the "Two Cultures" (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 59.
323. Jewish Political Studies as a Field of Inquiry (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 261.
324. Jewish Survival and American Jewish Leadership (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 235.
324a. "The Political Tradition of the American Jew" in Traditions of the American Jews by Stanley M. Wagner, ed. (New York: Katav, 1977).
325. The Kenites of America: The Jewish Position in American Society (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 60.
326. Kinship and Consent in the Jewish Community: Patterns of Continuity in Jewish Communal Life (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 262.
327. Patterns of Jewish Communal Participation (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 196.
328. Rethinking the Hillel Program with David Lieberman (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 12.
329. School Decentralization in the Context of Community Control: Some Neglected Considerations (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 300.
330. Toward a Meaningful World Covenant (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 160.
331. Toward Federal-State Partnership in Science and Technology (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 302.
332. "Competing Political Cultures in Illinois" in The Ecology of American Political Culture (see No. 289 above). Abridgement of Chapter Seven of No. 122.
333. "Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations," in Richard M. Stephens, editor, National Urban Problems (Industrial College of the Armed Forces). Republication of No. 192.
334. Community and Polity: The Organizational Dynamics of American Jewry (Jewish Publication Society).
335. The States as Keystones: A Bicentennial Reassessment. Special issue of Publius in book form (Vol. 6, No. 1, Winter). edited with Introductions: "A Bicentennial Look at American Federalism," and "The States as Keystones: A Reassessment in the Mid-1970's."
336. Serving the Public in Metropolitan Society. Special issue of Publius in book form (Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring). Editor and contributor.
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
337. The Jewish Community - Changing Patterns (Council of Jewish Federations).
338. Moving Up: Ethnic Succession in America, with Murray Friedman (American Jewish Committee).
339. The Office of Governor in Illinois: 1818-1933 (Center for the Study of Federalism).
Contributions to Books
340. "Artzot HaBrit Shel America: Korot" (Hebrew: "The United States of America: Events"), in Moshe Davis, editor, Hizdahut HaUmma im HaMedinah Beikvot Milhemet Yom HaKippurim (Hebrew: The Identification of the Nation With the State in the Wake of the Yom Kippur War) (HaSifriah HaTzionit).
341. "Citizenship and Public in Metropolitan America," in Daniel J. Elazar, editor, Serving the Public in a Metropolitan Society. Special Issue of Publius in book form (Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring).
342. "Federalism vs. Decentralization: The Drift from Authenticity," in Jeffrey L. Mayer, editor, Dialogues on Decentralization. Special issue of Publius in book form (Vol. 6, No. 4, Fall).
343. "HaTzibbur HaYehudi BeSvivato: HaTzivilizatzia Ha-Americanit, Am Yisrael U'Medinat Yisrael, HaTechnologia HaModernit" (Hebrew: "The Jewish Community in its Environment: American Civilization, World Jewry, Contemporary Technology"), in Yihudah Shel HaHavayah HaYehudit BeArtzot HaBrit (Hebrew: The Uniqueness of the Jewish Experience in the United States). Special issue of Tefutsot Israel in book form (Vol. 14, No. 2, April-June).
344. "Les Objectifs du Federalisme," in Reperes pour un federalisme Revolutionnaire. Special Issue of L'Europe en Formation in book form (January-March).
345. "Restructuring Federal Housing Programs: Who Stands to Gain?," in Daniel J. Elazar, editor, Serving the Public in a Metropolitan Society. Special issue of Publius in book form (Vol. 6 No. 2, Spring).
345a. "Serving the Public in a Metropolitan Society," Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 5, #2, Spring.
346. "State-Local Relations: Reviving Old Theory for New Practice," in Stephanie Cole, editor, Partnership Within the States: Local Self-Government in the Federal System (University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs and Temple University Center for the Study of Federalism).
347. "The States and Congress Move Toward Independence: 1775-1776," in Daniel J. Elazar, editor, The States as Keystones: A Bicentennial Reassessment. Special issue of Publius in book form (Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring).
348. "Toward a Renewed Zionist Vision," in Moshe Davis, Zionism Reconsidered: A Global View (The President's Seminar on World Jewry; and the State of Israel).
Articles (Academic)
349. "Gorem HaRelevantiut BeHafatzat Hidushim Politiim" (Hebrew: "The Relevance Factor in the Diffusion of Political Innovations"), in Medinah U'Mimshal V'Yahasim Bein Leumim (May).
Articles (General)
350. "Derushot Bechirot Rabot" (Hebrew: "Many Elections Are Needed"), in Migvan (July).
351. "Seder Yom Yehudi Beikvot Shtai Milhamot" (Hebrew: "A Jewish Agenda in the Wake of Two Wars"), in Gesher (January).
352. "The State of World Jewry: A Contemporary Agenda," in Forum (No. 2).
353. "Training Executives for the Jewish Community," in Journal of Jewish Communal Service.
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
354. The Ends of Federalism (Center for the Study of Federalism).
355. The Generational Rhythm of American Politics (Center for the Study of Federalism).
356. Hatzaat Hok Yesod L'Reshuyot HaMekomiyot (Hebrew: Suggested Basic Law for the Local Authorities). Co-author (Bar-Ilan University Institute for Local Government).
357. Heker HaKehillah HaMedinit (Hebrew: Studying the Civil Community) (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government).
358. Towards a Renewed Zionist Vision (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
Journals and Serial Publications
359. Publius, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Summer). General Editor.
360. Publius, Vol. 6, No. 4 (Fall). General Editor.
Republications and Translations
361. Are We a Nation of Cities? (U.S. Information Agency, India). Republication of No. 68.
362. Authentic Federalism for America (U.S. Information Agency, India). Republication of No. 231.
363. Continuity and Change in American Federalism (U.S. Information Agency, India). Republication of No. 69.
364. Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations (U.S. Information Agency, India). Republication of No. 46.
365. Federalism and the Community (U.S. Information Agency, India). Republication of No. 67.
366. The Local Elections: Sharpening the Trend Toward Territorial Democracy (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government). Republication of No. 297.
367. The New Federalism: Can the States Be Trusted? (U.S. Information Agency, India). Republication of No. 265.
368. A New Golden Age for the States: Do They Have the Will to Respond? (U.S. Information Agency, India). Republication of No. 221.
369. Population Growth and the Federal System (U.S. Information Agency, India). Republication of No. 228.
370. The Resurgence of Federalism (U.S. Information Agency, India). Republication of No. 128.
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
371. American Jewish-Israel Relations: Some Practical Issues (Council of Jewish Federations).
372. Israel-American Jewish Relations in the Context of the World Jewish Polity (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
Contributions to Books
373. "The Compound Structure of Public Service Delivery Systems in Israel," in Vincent Ostrom and Francis Pennell Bish, editors, Comparing Urban Service Delivery Systems (Sage).
374. "The Ends of Federalism: Notes Toward a Theory of Federal Political Arrangements," in Max Frenkel, editor, Partnership in Federalism (Peter Lang).
Articles (Academic)
375. "Evolution recente du federalisme americain," in Les Cahiers du Federalisme (December).
376. "HaKibbutzim HaYehudiim Shel Scandinavia" (Hebrew: "The Jewish Communities of Scandinavia"), in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 15, No. 1 (January-March).
377. "Yehudai Quebec V'HaMashber HaKanadi" (Hebrew: "The Jews of Quebec and the Canadian Crisis"), in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 15, No. 2 (April-June).
Articles (General)
378. "Bureaucracy - A Modest Jacksonian Proposal," in Ripon Forum Vol. XIII, No. 4 (February 15).
379. "Changing Settlement Patterns of American Jewry," in Jewish Digest (March).
380. "Dialogue: Impact of the New Israel Government on Diaspora Jewry," with Irwin Cotler, Ilan Greilsammer and Allen Pollack in Ammi (Sukkot).
381. "In Praise of Federacy," in The Jerusalem Post (November 13).
382. "Towards a Renewed Zionist Vision," in Forum (No. 1).
383. "The Sunset of Balkan Jewry," in Forum (No. 2).
384. "The West Bank: A Case for Condominium," in The Jerusalem Post (December 22).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
385. Al HaTziyonut BeYamenu BaAretz U'B'Hutz LaAretz (Hebrew: On Contemporary Zionism in Israel and the Diaspora). Contributor (Hebrew University Institute of Contemporary Jewry).
386. Covenant as the Basis of the Jewish Political Tradition, Workshop in the Covenant Idea and the Jewish Political Tradition (Bar-Ilan University Department of Political Studies and the Center for Jewish Community Studies).
387. The Kehillah, Workshop in the Covenant Idea and the Jewish Political Tradition (Bar-Ilan University Department of Political Studies and the Center for Jewish Community Studies).
388. Ketz Haideologiot VeHaTziyonut HaAmericanit (Hebrew: The End of Ideologies and American Zionism). Commentator (Hebrew University Institute of Contemporary Jewry).
389. Mosdot Mediniim BaYahadut: Gishot V'Yesodot (Hebrew: Jewish Political Institutions: Approaches and Foundations). Editor and contributor (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government).
390. Mosdot Mediniim BaYahadut: Hitpatchut Historit (Hebrew: Jewish Political Institutions: Approaches and Foundations). Editor and contributor (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government).
391. Our "Compound Republic": Perspectives on American Federalism, Vol. 6 of The Federalist Papers Reexamined. Series of dialogues prepared by the League of Women Voters. Participant.
392. Sugiot BeShilton Mekomi (Hebrew: Issues in Local Government). Editor (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government).
392a. "Institute on Israel-Diaspora Relations," General Assembly Paper, Dallas, TX, November 9-13, Council of Jewish Federations.
393. Twenty-five Years of Social Research in Israel, by the Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, in Contemporary Jewry, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Spring/Summer).
Journals and Serial Publications
394. Jerusalem Letter, No. 1. Editor, publisher and contributor.
395. Publius, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Winter), edited with Introduction: "National Systems, Cultural Systems, and Systems Analysis."
396. Publius, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Spring), edited with Introduction: "From the Editor."
397. Publius, Vol. 7, No. 3 (Summer). General Editor.
398. Publius, Vol. 7, No. 4 (Fall). General Editor and contributor: "In Memory of Martin Diamond."
399. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 15, No. 1, "HaKibbutzim HaYehudiim BeAratzot Scandinavia" (Hebrew: "The Jewish Communities in the Scandinavian Countries"). Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkert, and contributor.
400. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 15, No. 2 (April-June), "HaKehillah HaYehudit BeMontreal Nochah HaLeumanut HaQuebecit" (Hebrew: "The Jewish Community in Montreal Facing Quebec Nationalism"), Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkert, and contributor.
401. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 15, Nos. 3-4 (December). "HaTenuah LeShichrur Haisha HaYehudiah BeArtzot HaBrit/HaPulmus Saviv 'Breira'" (Hebrew: "Jewish Feminism in the United States/The Breira Controversy"). Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkart, and contributor.
Republications and Translations
402. Israel: MeDemokratia Ideologit LeDemokratia Territorialit (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government). Republication of No. 283.
403. "School Decentralization in the Context of Community Control: Some Neglected Considerations," in Leigh Estabrook, Libraries in Post-Industrial Society (Oryx Press). Republication of No. 300.
404. "American Political Ideas and the Political Notions of American Jews: Convergences and Contradictions," in Jewish Passages Study Guide (Phoenix Jewish Community Center). Partial republication of No. 55.
405. "Likrat Hazon Tzioni Mehudash" in Gesher (October). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 382.
406. "Nashim BeHayeha Shel Yahadut America" in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 15, Nos. 3-4. Translation (Hebrew) of No. 240.
407. "Condominium/Federacy." Jerusalem Letter No. 1. Republication of No. 381.
408. "The West Bank: A Case for Condominium," in Jerusalem Letter No. 1. Republication of No. 384.
Contributions to Books
409. "Comparative Federalism: The State of the Art and the State of the Field," in Ellis Katz and Benjamin Schuster, editors, Dialogue on Comparative Federalism (Center for the Study of Federalism).
410. "Federalism, Governance, and Development in the Third World," in W. Scott Thompson, editor, The Third World: Premises of U.S. Policy (San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies).
411. "Halukat HaTafkidim Bein HaShilton HaMekomi U'vein HaShilton HaMercazi" (Hebrew: "The Division of Functions Between the Local and Central Governments"), in Proceedings of the VI Congress of Municipal Government (Israel Ministry of the Interior).
412. "Israel's Compound Polity," in Howard Penniman, editor, Israel at the Polls 1977 (American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research).
413. "Kehillah" (Hebrew: "Community"), in HaEntzyklopedia Haivrit, Vol. 29.
414. "The Political Tradition of the American Jew," in Stanley M. Wagner, editor, Traditions of the American Jew (Ktav).
415. "Preface," in Neil C. Sandberg, Stairwell 7: Family Life in the Welfare State (Sage Publications).
416. "Synagogue/Federation Relations: Overlapping Spheres," in Alvin Kass, editor, Proceedings: The United Synagogue of America 1977 Biennial Convention.
Articles (Academic)
417. "The Constitution, The Union, and the Liberties of the People," in Publius, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Summer).
418. "Covenant as the Basis of the Jewish Political Tradition," in Jewish Journal of Sociology (June).
419. "The Generational Rhythm of American Politics," in American Politics Quarterly Vol. 6, No. 1 (January).
420. "Harmonizing Government Organization with the Political Tradition," in Publius, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Spring).
421. "Yahadut Mexico - Profil Shel Kehillah" (Hebrew: "Mexican Jewry - Profile of a Community"), in Tefutsot Israel Vol. 16, No. 1 (January-March).
Articles (General)
422. "The Jews of Quebec and the Canadian Crisis," Jerusalem Letter No. 11 (May 19).
423. "New Ideas and Some Old Truths," in The Jerusalem Post.
423a. "New Ideas and some Old Truths, Jerusalem Letter No. 12 (June 5)
424. "A New Look at the 'Two Israels'," in Midstream (April).
425. "The New Sadducees" in Midstream (September).
426. "HaNoshrim: Mivhan L'Mediniut Yehudit Kollelet" (Hebrew: "The Noshrim: A Major Issue for Jewish Public Policy"), in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 16, No. 2 (April-June).
427. "The Problem of Political Distance," in National Civic Review, Vol. 67, No. 7 (July).
428. "The Resurgence of the States: An Interview with Daniel Elazar," in State Legislatures (January/February).
429. "Toward a Jewish Vision of Statehood for Israel," in Judaism (March).
430. "What Indeed is American Jewry?," in Forum (Winter).
431. "What We Know and What We Need to Know About the Status of Jewish Social Research," in Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Vol. LIV, No. 3 (Spring).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
432. Alternative Federal Solutions to the Problem of the Administered Territories, with Ira Sharkansky (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies) (English and Hebrew).
433. The American Jewish Community: A Course of Study, with Sharon Frank Hirsch (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
434. Arrangements for Self-Rule and Autonomy in Various Countries of the World: A Preliminary Inventory (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies).
435. "The Camp David Framework for Peace: A Shift in the Direction of Federal Solutions" in Viewpoints, No. 3, (December) (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies).
436. The Constitutional Periodization of Jewish History: A Second Look (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
437. The Evolving Role of Women in the Ritual of the American Synagogue, with Rela Geffen Monson (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
438. Federalism and Economic Liberty (Center for the Study of Federalism).
439. A Plan for Joint Rule of the Territories, with Shmuel Sandler (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies) (English and Hebrew).
440. Some Preliminary Observations on the Jewish Political Tradition (Bar-Ilan University Department of Political Studies and the Center for Jewish Community Studies).
441. Sephardic Jewry in the United States: A Preliminary Institutional Profile, with Adina Weiss Liberies, Naama Kelman, Elaine Rosenstein, Arden Geldman (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
442. Cultural Regions of the United States by Raymond D. Gastil in Publius, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Fall).
Journals and Serial Publications
443. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 2-15. Editor, Publisher and contributor.
444. CJCS Viewpoints, No. 1. Editor and Publisher.
445. JIFS Viewpoints, Nos. 1-3. Editor, Publisher and contributor.
446. Publius, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Winter). General Editor, and contributor: Introduction: "From the Editor."
447. Publius, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Spring). General Editor and contributor.
448. Publius, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Summer). Editor, and contributor.
449. Publius, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Fall). Editor and contributor: Introduction: "From the Editor."
450. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 16, No. 1 (January-March): "HaYehudim BeMexico U'VeAratzot America HaTichonit" (Hebrew: "The Jewish Communities in Mexico and Central America"). Editor and contributor.
451. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 16, No. 2 (April-June): "HaNeshira" (Hebrew: "The Noshrim: Jewish Emigres from the USSR Avoiding Israel"). Editor.
452. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 16, No. 3 (September), Special issue: Peulat Gomlin Bein Israel LeYehudai America: Din VeHeshbon Shel Kvutzat Diyun Meshutefet (Hebrew: Israel and American Jewish Interaction: Report of an International Task Force). Member of Task Force.
453. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 16, No. 4 (December): "HaKehillah HaYehudit BeTzorfat al Irguneha" (Hebrew: "The Organized Jewish Community in France"). Editor.
Republications and Translations
454. The Federal Polity (Transaction Books). Republication of No. 219.
455. The Compound Structure of Public Service Delivery Systems in Israel (Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government). Republication of No. 373.
456. The Ends of Federalism (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies). Republication of No. 354.
457. Federalism (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies). Republication of No. 253.
458. Federalism, Governance and Development in the Third World (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies). Republication of No. 410.
459. Israel: From Ideological to Territorial Democracy (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies). Republication of No. 151.
460. Likrat Hazon Tzioni Mehudash (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 405.
461. A New Look at the "Two Israels" (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 424.
462. The New Sadducees (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 425.
463. The Political Tradition of the American Jew (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 414.
464. Seder Yom Yehudi Beikvot Shtai Milhamot (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 351.
465. The State of World Jewry: A Contemporary Agenda (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 352.
466. The Sunset of Balkan Jewry (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 383.
467. Towards a Jewish Definition of Statehood for Israel (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 429.
468. Towards a Renewed Zionist Vision (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 382.
469. Urbanism and Federalism: Twin Revolutions of the Modern Era (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies). Republication of No. 299.
470. "Federalism and Political Culture: A View From the States" in James Burkhart, Samuel Krislov, Raymond L. Lee, editors, The Clash of Issues (Prentice Hall). Republication of No. 42, Chapter Four.
471. "Israel: MiDemokratia Ideologit LeDemokratia Territorialit," in Sefer Hakenes HaShishi L'Shilton U'Minhal Mekomi (Israel Ministry of the Interior). Republication of No. 283.
472. "The New Federalism: Can the States Be Trusted?," in James Burkhart, Samuel Krislov, Raymond L. Lee, editors, The Clash of Issues (Prentice Hall). Republication of No. 265.
473. "New Ideas and Some Old Truths," Jerusalem Letter, No. 12 (June 5). Republication of No. 423.
474. "Corporate Jewish Life Has A Dim Future," in The Canadian Jewish News (July). Excerpted from No. 422.
475. La Communidad en sus Entomas (Tel-Aviv University Institute for Diaspora Studies). Translation (Spanish) of No. 324, Chapter Three: "The Community in its Environment."
476. La Reconstitucion de las Communidades Judias en el Periodo de la Pos-Guerra (Tel-Aviv University Institute for Diaspora Studies). Translation (Spanish) of No. 92.
477. Que Sabemos y Que Necesitamos Saber Acerca del Estudo Actual de la Investigacion Social Judia (Tel-Aviv University Institute for Diaspora Studies). Translation (Spanish) of No. 431.
478. Una Guia Para el Estudis de Communidades Judias (Tel-Aviv University Institute for Diaspora Studies). Translation (Spanish) of No. 202.
478a. Highlights of Daniel J. Elazar's Community and Polity for Synagogue Leaders, organized by Rabbi Kassel Abelson (Center for Jewish Community Studies)
479. A Classification System for Libraries of Judaica, 2nd edition, revised, with David H. Elazar (Turtledove Publishing).
480. Self Rule/Shared Rule: Federal Solutions to the Middle East Conflict. Editor and contributor (Turtledove Publishing).
481. Federalism and Political Integration. Editor and contributor (Turtledove Publishing).
482. Republicanism, Representation and Consent: Views of the Founding Era. Editor and contributor (Transaction).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
483. The Camp David Framework for Peace (American Enterprise Institute).
Contributions to Books
484. "The American Jew: Is There a Dilemma?," in Encyclopedia Americana Yearbook.
485. "Arrangement for Self-Rule and Autonomy: A Preliminary Inventory," in Federalism and Political Integration (see No. 481 above).
486. "Comments on the Character of the American Polity," in Shlomo Slonim, editor, The American Experience (Turtledove Publishing).
487. "Constitutionalism, Federalism, and the Post-Industrial American Polity," in Seymour Martin Lipset, editor, The Third Century: America as a Post-Industrial Society (Hoover Press).
488. "Federal Theory: Some Comments," in Ellis Katz and Benjamin R. Schuster, editors, Dialogue on Federal Theory (Center for the Study of Federalism).
489. "How the American Polity Is the Source of American National Identity," in Shlomo Slonim, editor, The American Experience (Turtledove Publishing).
490. "Israel, American Jewry and the Reemergence of a World Jewish Polity," in Menachem Z. Kaddari, Nathaniel Katzburg and Daniel Sperber, editors, Lookstein Memorial Volume (Bar-Ilan University).
491. "Options, Problems and Possibilities in Light of the Current Situation," in Self Rule/Shared Rule (see No. 480 above).
492. "Revenue Sharing With the States," in Revenue Sharing With the States, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on the City of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives, 96th Congress, 1st Session, May 3, 1979.
493. "The Role of Federalism in Political Integration," in Federalism and Political Integration (see No. 481 above).
494. "United States of America," with Arden Geldman, in Encyclopedia Judaica Yearbook 1977-78.
495. "Why Federalism?," in Federalism and Political Integration.
496. Contribution to Ellis Katz and Benjamin R. Schuster, editors, The Practice of American Federalism (Center for the Study of Federalism).
Articles (Academic)
497. "Federalism as Grand Design," in Publius, Vol. 9, No. 4.
498. "HaYahasim Bein Yisrael LeYahadut Artzot-HaBrit BeHeksher HaKehillah HaMedinit HaYehudit HaOlamit" (Hebrew: "Israel-American Jewish Relations in the Context of the World Jewish Polity"), in Kivunim, Vol. 3 (June).
499. "La Recherche de la paix au Proche-Orient" (French: "The Search for Peace in the Near East"), in Les Cahiers du Federalisme, No. 5 (janvier-mars).
500. "Mexican Jewry: Some Persistent Themes," in Forum, No. 36 (Fall/Winter).
501. "Republicanism, Representation and Consent in the Founding Era," in Publius, Vol. 9, No. 2.
502. "The Synagogue Havurah - An Experiment in Restoring Adult Fellowship to the Jewish Community," with Rela Geffen Monson, in The Jewish Journal of Sociology, Vol. 21, No. 1 (June).
503. "Zionism and the Future of Israel," in Middle East Review, Vol. XI, No. 3 (Spring).
503a. "Proche-Orient: Federalisation ou Guerre Mondiale," with Andre Chouraqui and Shmuel Sandler in L'Europe en formation, No. 227, Supplement (French).
Articles (General)
504. "American Jewry's Purported Dilemma." Jerusalem Letter, No. 16 (January 16).
505. "Considerations on Autonomy," in The Jerusalem Post (July 17).
506. "Covenant and Polity," with John Kincaid, in New Conversations.
507. "How Might the Peace Affect Us?," in Sh'ma, 9/179 (April 27).
508. "Kavim LeMahapach Musari," with Saadia Gelb, in Ma'ariv (Sept. 28).
508a. "Women in the Synagogue Today, "Rela Geffen-Monson and Daniel J. Elazar, Midstream.
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
509. The Covenant Idea in Politics (Center for the Study of Federalism).
510. Federal Democracy and the American Frontier (Center for the Study of Federalism).
511. Project Renewal: The View from the Neighborhoods, Co-author (Jerusalem Center for the Study of Federalism).
512. Prospectus: Workshop on Covenant and Politics, with John Kincaid (Center for the Study of Federalism).
513. Shared Rule: A Prerequisite for Peace Under the Camp David Framework (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies).
514. A Reader in Jewish Community Relations edited by Ann G. Wolfe, in American Jewish History, Vol. LXVIII, No. 3 (March).
Journals and Serial Publications
515. Publius, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Winter). General Editor and Contributor: Introduction: "From the Editor of Publius".
516. Publius, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Spring). Editor and contributor.
517. Publius, Vol. 9, No. 3. Edited with Introduction.
518. Publius, Vol. 9, No. 4. Editor and contributor.
519. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 16-26, editor, publisher and contributor.
520. CJCS Viewpoints, No. 2. Editor and publisher.
521. "The Autonomy: Some Viewpoints" JIFS, Nos. 4-8. Editor and publisher.
522. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 17, No. 1 (March): "Ma Matrid et Yehudai America Kayom?" (Hebrew: "What Bothers American Jewry Today?"). Co-editor and contributor.
523. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 17, No. 2 (June): "HaYehudim BeAustralia" (Hebrew: "The Jews in Australia"). Co-editor.
524. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 17, Nos. 3-4 (December): "Etgar HaPulhanim VeHaNoar HaYehudi" (Hebrew: "Jewish Youth and the Challenge of the Cults"). Co-editor.
525. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 17, No. 5 (Special Issue): Nesuai Taarovet VeHaAtid HaYehudi (Hebrew: Intermarriage and the Jewish Future). Co-editor.
Republications and Translations
526. "Alternative Federal Solutions to the Problem of the Administered Territories" with Ira Sharkansky, in Self Rule/Shared Rule (see No. 480 above). Republication of No. 432.
527. "The New Federalism: Can the States Be Trusted?" in Herbert M. Levine, editor, Point Counterpoint: Readings in American Government (Anti-Defamation League). Republication of No. 265.
528. "HaTzedukim HaHadashim," in Gesher (Spring). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 425.
529. Federalism and Covenant (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of "Introduction" from The Politics of American Federalism (see No. 87 above).
530. The Generational Rhythm of American Politics (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 419.
531. HaYahasim Bein Israel LeHahadut Artzot-Habrit BeHeksher HaKehillah HaMedinit HaYehudit HaOlamit (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 498.
532. "Yehudei America VeHaMimshal Nochah HaMatzav BaMizrach HaTichon" in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 17. No. 1 (March). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 504.
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
533. The Book of Joshua as a Political Classic: A Commentary (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
534. The Constitutional Periodization of Jewish History: A Second Look (Center for Jewish Community studies).
Contributions to Books
535. "Centralizing and Decentralizing Tendencies in Federal Systems: Abstract," in Richard L. Merritt, ed., International Political Science Enters the 1980's (International Political Science Association).
536. "Local Government for Heterogeneous Populations: Some Options for Jerusalem," in Joel Kramer, editor, Jerusalem, Problems and Prospects (Praeger).
537. "Petach Davar" (Preface) to Moshe Drori, Shilton Mekomi, Demokratia u'Behirot B'Ezor Yehudah v'Shomron: Hebetim Mishpatiim (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies and Bar-Ilan University Institute of Local Government).
538. "Renewing the Zionist Vision," in Moshe Davis, ed., Zionism in Transaction (Herzl Press).
Articles (Academic)
539. "The Meaning of the 1970's," in Society (January 1980)
540. "The 1980's: Entering the Citybelt-Cybernetic Frontier," in Publius, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Winter).
541. "Political Culture on the Plains," in Western Historical Quarterly (Summer).
542. "The Political Theory of Covenant," in Publius, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Fall).
543. "HaYaadim HaEzrachiim baHinuch HaYehudi BeZmaneinu" (Hebrew: "The Civil Goals of Contemporary Jewish Education"), in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 18, No. 2-3 (Summer-Fall).
544. "Some Preliminary Observations on the Jewish Political Tradition," in Tradition (December).
545. "Covenant as a Political Idea and its Behavioral Implications," in Publius, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Fall).
Articles (General)
546. "Just Whom Did the FBI Sting?," in Philadelphia Inquirer.
547. "Jewish Religion and Politics in Israel," Jerusalem Letter No. 33 (Oct. 12).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
548. Project Renewal: An Introduction to the Issues and Actors, with Gerald B. Bubis, Moshe Hazani and Hillel Frisch (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
549. An Introduction to Project Renewal (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
550. Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations (American Political Science Association).
551. Participation and Accountability in the Jewish Community: Out of the 60's and Into the 40's (Center for the Study of Federalism).
551a. Covenant as the Basis of the Jewish Political Tradition, Workshop on Covenant and Politics (Center for the Study of Federalism) January
Journals and Serial Publications
552. Publius, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Winter). General Editor and contributor.
553. Publius, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Spring). General Editor and contributor.
554. Publius, Vol. 10, No. 3 (Summer). Editor and contributor: Introduction.
555. Publius, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Fall). Editor and contributor.
556. Jerusalem Letter, No. 27-36. Editor, Publisher and contributor.
557. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 9-13. Editor, Publisher and contributor.
Republications and Translations
558. Community and Polity: The Organizational Dynamics of American Jewry (Jewish Publication Society). Paperback edition of No. 334 above. New Foreword added. (Re-published in 1987).
559. "Constitutionalism, Federalism, and the Post-Industrial American Polity" in The Third Century: America as a Post-Industrial Society, Seymour Martin Lipset, editor, (University of Chicago Press). Republication of No. 487.
560. "El sionismo y el futuro de Israel," in Dialogo, No. 11 (January). Translation (Spanish) of No. 503.
561. "Likrat Hagdara Yehudit Shel Medinat Yisrael," in Petahim, Nos. 49-50. Translation (Hebrew) of No. 429.
562. Habrit KiYesod HaMasoret HaMedinit HaYehudit (Bar-Ilan and Center for Jewish Community Studies). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 418.
563. Kinship and Consent: The Jewish Political Tradition and Its Contemporary Uses, Editor and contributor (Turtledove Publishing).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
564. Covenant and Freedom in the Jewish Political Tradition (Gratz College).
565. Religion and Politics in Israel: The Interplay of Judaism and Zionism, with Janet Aviad (American Jewish Committee).
Contributions to Books
566. "The Evolving Federal System," in Richard M. Pious, editor, The Power to Govern (International Political Science Association).
567. "Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations," in Proceedings of the American Political Association.
568. "Foreword," in Stef H. Gaziel, Yesodot BaMinhal Tzibburi (Hebrew: Foundations in Public Administration) (Dekel).
569. "The Kehillah," in S. Lehman-Wilzig and B. Susser, Public Life in Israel and the Diaspora (Bar-Ilan University Press).
570. "Religion and Politics in Israel," with Janet Aviad, in Michael Curtis, editor, Religion and Politics in the Middle East (Westview Press).
Articles (Academic)
571. "City-State Relations: Changes in an Age of Austerity," in National Civic Review, Vol. 7, No. 8 (September).
572. "Le federalism americain: present et avenir," in L'Europe en formation, 244 (July-August).
573. "HaIrgunim leYahasim Kehillatiim u'Feuloteihem" (Hebrew: "On the Jewish Community Relations Organizations"), in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 19, Nos. 2-3 (Summer-Autumn).
574. "States Polities in the Federal System," in National Civic Review, Vol. 70, No. 2 (February).
575. "Tendencias Centralizadoras e Descentralizadoros dos Sistemas Federativos Contemporaneos: Una Analise Preliminar," in Revista De Administracao Municipal, Vol. 28 (April-June).
Articles (General)
576. "A Covenanted World Order," in The Whole Earth Papers.
577. "HaDin v'Heshbon: Keviyot Nekhonot u'Nekudot Torpah" (Hebrew: "The Report: Justified Conclusions and Weak Points"), in Gesher, 104-105 (Summer).
578. "Federal-State Partnership," in Steering the Course: Policymaking in the United States (United States International Communication Agency).
579. "Israel, The Diaspora and Jewish Spiritual Values: An Analysis of the Report of the International Economic and Social Commission of the World Jewish Congress." Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 18 (August 7).
580. "Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs: Three Perspectives." Jerusalem Letter, No. 38 (March 18).
581. "The Jewish Agency and the Jewish People after Caesarea," in Forum, 42/43 (Winter).
582. "Jews and Evangelicals," in Philadelphia Jewish Exponent (May 8).
583. "The 1981 Elections: Some Observations." Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 19 (August 15).
584. "Ma'arekhet HaYahasim Ben HaReshuyot HaMekomiyot v'haShilton HaMerkazi b'Yisrael" (Hebrew: "The System of Relationships Between Local Governments and the Central Government in Israel") in Sekirah Hodshit, Vol. 28, No. 7 (July).
585. "The Noshrim and the Emerging Jewish Policy Process." Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 20 (November 15).
586. "Project Renewal: Drawing Sweet from Bitter." Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 14 (February 23).
587. "The Rebirth of Federalism: The Future Role of the States as Polities in the Federal System," in Commonsense, Vol.4, No. 1.
588. "Renewable Identity," in Midstream (January).
588a. Women in the Synagogue Today, with Rela Geffen-Monson, April 1981.
589. "Zeev Jabotinsky - 100 years," in Sh'ma, 11/215 (May 29).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
590. Confederation and Federal Liberty (Center for the study of Federalism).
591. Covenantal Teachings on Language and Family: The Biblical Perspectives as Reflected in the First Nine Chapters of Genesis (Center for the Study of Federalism).
592. The Declaration of Independence: The Founding Covenant of the American People (Center for the Study of Federalism).
593. A Gazetteer of Jewish Political Organization, with Stuart A. Cohen (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
594. Gush Emunim, Shalom Achshav and Israel's Future, Editor (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies).
595. Israel, the Palestinians and the Territories: Some Alternative Frameworks for Peace, Editor (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies).
596. Is the American Federal Experience Applicable to the Problems of European Integration?, with Ilan Greilsammer (European University Institute).
597. The Language of Covenant (Center for the Study of Federalism).
598. The Political and Social Basis for Federal Integration in the United States (European University Institute).
599. Report of the State Commission on Local Government, co-author (Israel Ministry of the Interior).
600. The Zionist Revolution by Harold Fisch, in Forum, No. 41 (Spring-Summer).
Journals and Serial Publications
601. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 37-43. Editor, Publisher and contributor.
602. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 14-21. Editor, Publisher and contributor.
603. Publius, Vol. 11, No. 1 (Winter). Editor and contributor: Introduction.
604. Publius, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Spring): American Federalism and Prefectorial Administration. Editor and contributor.
605. Publius, Vol. 11, No. 3 (Summer). General Editor and contributor: "Introduction."
606. Publius, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Fall). Editor.
607. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Spring) Travelling Through Jewish Communities. Co-editor.
608. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 19, No. 2-3 (Summer-Autumn) Pluralism and Equality. Co-editor and contributor.
609. Tefutsot Israel, Vol.19, No. 4 (Winter) Glimpses into American Jewish Life: Suburbia, Retirement Communities, Ethnic Groups. Co-editor.
610. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. 19, Nos. 5-6 (Winter) Confronting the Memory of the Holocaust: Debate, Analyses, Programs. Co-editor.
611. "The Ends of Federalism," in the report of the Commission de Exportos sobre les Autonomias (Centro de Investigacion y Tecnicas Politicas). Translation (Spanish) of No. 354.
612. "The New Federalism: Can the States Be Trusted?," in James A. Burkhart, Samuel Krislov, Raymond L. Lee, editors, The Clash of Issues, 7th edition. Republication of No. 265.
613. "The New Federalism: Can the States Be Trusted?," in Robert L. Morlan and David L. Martin, Capitol, Court House and City Hall, 6th edition. Republication of No. 265.
614. "Para Renovar la Vision Sionista," in Rumbos, No. 5 (Fall) (World Zionist Organization Information Department). Translation (Spanish) of No. 382.
615. Renewable Identity (Center for Jewish Community Studies). Republication of No. 588.
616. "Doomed by the System," in The Jerusalem Post, April 22. Republication of No. 586.
617. "Zionism and the Future of Israel," in Jewish Digest (May). Republication of No. 503.
618. "Response to Oversight Document," in Oversight of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations of the Committee of Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, 97th Congress, 1st Session (October 21, 1981).
619. Governing Peoples and Territories. Editor and contributor (Institute for the Study of Human Issues).
620. Judea, Samaria, and Gaza: Views on the Present and Future. Editor and contributor (American Enterprise Institute).
621. State Constitutional Design in Federal Systems. Editor, with Stephen L. Schechter, and contributor. Special issue of Publius in book form (Vol. 12, No. 1, Winter).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
622. The Future of Israeli Politics: The New Sephardic Majority (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
623. Participation and Accountability in the American Jewish Community (Council of Jewish Federations and Association of Jewish Communal Organization Professionals).
624. Religious Parties and Politics in the Begin Era (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
625. Sephardic Jewry in a New World Role (Council of Jewish Federations).
Contributions to Books
626. "American Federalism Today: Practice Versus Principle," in Robert B. Hawkins, Jr., editor, American Federalism: A New Partnership for the Republic (Institute for Contemporary Studies).
627. "Foreword," to Gerald B. Bubis and Harry Wasserman, Synagogue Havurot: A Comparative Study, with Alan Lert (University Press of America and Center for Jewish Community Studies).
628. "HaProfessor K'Manhig Ruhani" (Hebrew: "The Professor as a Spiritual Leader") in Ella Belfer, editor, Manhigut Ruhanit B'Yameinu: Morasha V'Ya'ad (Dvir Publishing).
629. "Israel's Attitudes to the Palestinians," in George Gruen, editor, The Palestinians in Perspective (Institute of Human Relations Press).
630. "The Jewish Community as a Polity," in Marshall Sklare, editor, Understanding the American Jewish Community (Transaction Books).
631. "Religion and Politics in the Begin Era," in Robert O. Freedman, editor, Israel in the Begin Era (Praeger).
632. "Shituf Peula Ezori -- Mivneh Munitzipali" (Hebrew: "Regional Cooperation in Municipal Structure"), in HaKenes HaArtzi HaShevii LeShilton U'Minhal Mekomi, Sefer HaKenes (Israel Ministry of Interior).
633. "Steps in the Study of American Political Culture," in John Kincaid, editor, Political Culture, Public Policy, and the American States (Institute for the Study of Human Issues).
Articles (Academic)
634. "Confederation and Federal Liberty," Publius, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Fall).
635. "Darkho shel Bet-HaKnesset HaAmerikani" (Hebrew: "The Development of the American Synagogue"), in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XX, No. 3 (Summer).
636. "Edanim Hukatiim B'Historia HaYehudit" (Hebrew: "Constitutional Periods in Jewish History"), in Gesher, 2/107 (Summer/Fall 5742-3).
637. "The Evolving Roles of American Congregational Rabbis," with Rela G. Monson, Modern Judaism, Vol. 2, pp. 73-89.
638. "Federalism, Centralization, and State-Building in the Modern Epoch," introduction to Publius, Vol. 12, No. 3.
639. "HaFederatziot: Mosdot HaMisgeret shel Yehudai Amerika / Mavo Klali" (Hebrew: "Federations: The Framing Institutions of American Jewry -- An Introductory Essay"), in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XX, No. 1-2 (Spring).
640. From the Editor, "Intergovernmental Functions and the Metaphors of Federalism," Publius, Vol. 12, No. 2.
641. "The Principles and Traditions Underlying American State Constitutions," Publius, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Winter).
642. "Shared Rule: Scenario for the West Bank," with Shmuel Sandler, Journal of Contemporary Studies, vol. 5, no. 1 (Winter).
643. "State Constitutional Design in the U.S. and Other Federal Systems," Publius, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Winter).
Articles (General)
644. "The American Environment and Jewish Religious Life," Face to Face, Vol. IX (Fall).
645. "Anti-Semitism Today," Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 16, No. 4 (October).
646. "Challenging Begin From Within: The Response of the Religious Parties and Sephardim to the Beirut Massacre," Jerusalem Letter, No. 52 (October 7).
647. "Diaspora Community Representatives in Project Renewal: Their Roles and Importance," with Janet Sherman, Jerusalem Letter, No. 45 (January 20).
648. "A Federal Solution for Palestinians?," Los Angeles Times (December 16).
649. "Reagan's New Federalism in America; Federal Democracy" Dialogue, No. 58, pp. 16-21 (United States International Communications Agency).
650. "Jews on the Move: The New Wave of Jewish Migration and Its Implications for Organized Jewry," Jerusalem Letter, No. 44 (January 10).
651. "Reagan, Hussein, and Begin Opt for Shared Rule," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 25 (December 23).
652. "Religious and Sephardi Reaction to Beirut," with David Clayman, Australia/Israel Review, Vol. 7, No. 11 (Nov. 12-25).
653. "Responding to the Crisis of the Jewish Public in America," Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Vol. 59, No. 1 (Fall).
654. "Statehood: Judaism's Ultimate Test," Sh'ma, 13/243 (December 10).
655. "Toward a Meaningful World Covenant," The Whole Earth Papers, No. 16.
656. "The United States and the Middle East: A Global View," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 23 (April 22).
656a. "Israel's 'Peace for Galilee' Operation in Lebanon: Some Initial Perspectives," Jerusalem Letter, No. 49
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
657. The Almost-Covenanted Polity, Workshop in the Covenant Idea and the Jewish Political Tradition (Bar-Ilan University Department of Political Studies and the Center for Jewish Community Studies).
658. Contemporary Israeli Politics: The Clash of Issues, editor and contributor (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies).
659. The Declaration of Independence: The Founding Covenant of the American People, with John Kincaid (Center for the Study of Federalism).
660. "Foreword" to Marcel Korn, From Autonomy to Commonwealth: A Proposal for the Future Political Status of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies).
661. The 1981 Elections: Into the Second Generation of Statehood (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies).
662. The Jewish Political Tradition and its Contemporary Uses: A Program for Investigation, Interpretation, and Application, with Stuart A. Cohen (Center for Jewish Community Studies).
Journals and Serial Publications
663. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 44-55. Editor, Publisher, and contributor.
664. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 22-26. Editor, Publisher, and contributor.
665. Publius, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Winter) State Constitutional Design in Federal Systems. Editor and contributor.
666. Publius, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Spring). Editor.
667. Publius, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Fall). Editor and contributor.
668. Publius, Vol. 12, No. 4, The Legacy of the Articles of Confederation. Editor and contributor.
669. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XX, No. 1-2 (Spring) HaFederatziot HaYehudiot: "Kehillot" Nusah Amerika (Hebrew: The Jewish Federations: "Kehilla" American Style). Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkert, and contributor.
670. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XX, No. 3 (Summer) Yihudo v'Atido shel Bet-HaKnesset B'Amerika (Hebrew: The American Synagogue -- Its Uniqueness and Future). Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkert, and contributor.
Republications and Translations
671. City-State Relationships: Changes in an Age of Austerity (Center for the Study of Federalism). Reprint of No. 571.
672. The Evolving Federal System (Center for the Study of Federalism). Reprint of No. 566.
673. "Tafkideihem shel Rabanei Batei-HaKnesset B'Amerika," Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XX, No. 3 (Summer). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 637.
674. "Hitpathut Tafkidan shel Nashim B'Pulhan B'Bet-HaKnesset HaAmerikani," Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XX, No. 3 (Summer). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 437.
675. Federalism, Governance and Development in the Third World (Center for the Study of Federalism). Reprint of No. 410.
676. "Jews on the Move," Jewish Affairs, March (South African Jewish Board of Deputies). Reprint of No. 650.
677. "Jews on the Move" Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Vol. 58, No. 4. Reprint of 650.
678. Kinship and Consent (University Press of America and Center for Jewish Community Studies). Reprint of No. 563.
679. "PLO Union with Israel, Jordan?," Contra Costa Times (December 23). Reprint of No. 648.
680. Religious Parties and Politics in the Begin Era (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies). Republication of No. 624.
681. "HeHavurah B'Bet-HaKnesset: Nisui B'Hidush Re'ut shel M'Vugarim B'Tzibur HaYehudi," Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XX, No. 3 (Summer). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 502.
682. Covenant, Polity and Constitutionalism, with John Kincaid. Editor and contributor (University Press of America). Republication of Special Issue of Publius in book form, (Vol. 10, no. 4, Fall).
683. Jewish Communities in Frontier Societies, with Peter Medding (Holmes and Meier).
684. Kinship and Consent: The Jewish Political Tradition and Its Contemporary Uses, Editor (University Press of America and Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
685. From Autonomy to Shared Rule: Options for Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, Editor and contributor (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
686. HaHazon HaTzioni V'Medinat Yisrael B'Olam HaSephardi (Hebrew: The Place of the Zionist Vision and the State of Israel in the Sephardic World) (Study Circle on Diaspora Jewry under the auspices of the President of Israel).
Contributions to Books
687. "Cities of the Prairie -- Parts I and II," in Understanding the Quality of Public Life: An Anthology About Minnesota's Political Culture (Minneapolis Citizen's League).
688. "Compacts Among the States," in Harold W. Chase, editor, Guide to American Law (West Publishing Co.).
689. "Cooperative Federalism," in Harold W. Chase, editor, Guide to American Law (West Publishing Co.).
690. Discussant in "Rav Siah" (Discussion), in David Grossman, editor, Bein Yarkon V'Ayalon: Ba'ayot Munitzipaliot B'Gush Dan (Hebrew: Between the Yarkon and the Ayalon: Municipal Problems in the Dan Region) (Bar Ilan University Press).
691. "Federalism," in Harold W. Chase, editor, Guide to American Law (West Publishing Co.).
692. "Present Realities in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza District," in Steven L. Spiegel, editor, American Policy in the Middle East: Where Do We Go From Here? (Marvin Josephson Foundation).
692a. "Foreword" in The Political Theory of a Compound Republic by Vincent Ostrom (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1987).
Articles (Academic)
693. "The Federal Government and Local Government Reform," National Civic Review, Vol. 72, No. 4 (April).
694. "Jewish Frontier Experiences in the Southern Hemisphere: The Cases of Argentina, Australia and South Africa," Modern Judaism, Vol. 3, No. 2 (May).
Articles (General)
695. "A Civic Proposal," The Jerusalem Post (April 5).
696. "The Future of Israeli Politics," Jerusalem Letter, No. 56 (January 19).
697. "Israel's New Majority," Commentary, Vol. 75, No. 3 (March).
698. "L'Himana Me'Pitaron B'Nusah HeHashmonaim" (Hebrew: "Avoiding the Hasmonean Solution"), Gesher, Vav/108 (Winter-Spring).
699. "A Living Tradition," The Jerusalem Post (May 17).
700. "Ma Tzofan HaAtid L'Sephardim?" (Hebrew: "Today's Sephardim in Perspective"), Gesher, 2/109 (Fall).
701. "Memorial Tribute to Arieh Tartakower," Bulletin (World Union of Jewish Studies).
702. "Operationalizing the Faith of the Fathers: The Future of Zionism in Israel," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 29 (October 25).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids, Etc.
703. Chapters 1 Through 5 of the Covenant Idea in Politics, Workshop in the Covenant Idea and the Jewish Political Tradition (Bar Ilan University Department of Political Studies and the Center for Jewish Community Studies).
704. The Dynamics of Federal-State-Local Relationships in the U. S. (kit) (Washington, D.C.: U. S. Information Agency).
705. Jewish Community and Leadership: Contemporary Issues and Historical Perspectives, Consultant and contributor (Council of Jewish Federations).
706. The Place of the Zionist Vision and the State of Israel in the Sephardic World, (Background paper prepared for the President of Israel's Seventh International Seminar on World Jewry and the State of Israel).
707. Shared Rule: The Only Realistic Option for Peace (Hebrew and English), Contributor (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
708. "On Jewish Communal Facilities for the Handicapped," Sh'ma, 13/245 (January 7).
709. "Response to Commentary Letters to the Editor," Commentary, Vol. 75, No. 7 (August/September).
Journals and Serial Publications
710. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 56-68. Editor, Publisher and contributor.
711. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 27-30. Editor, Publisher and contributor.
712. Publius, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Winter). Editor.
713. Publius, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Spring). General Editor
714. Publius, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Summer). General Editor.
715. Publius, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Fall). General Editor.
716. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XXI, No. 1 (Spring) Anti-Shemiot Achshav I (Hebrew: Anti-Semitism Now I). Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkert, and contributor.
717. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XXI, No. 2 (Summer) Anti-Shemiot Achshav II (Hebrew: Anti Semitism Now II). Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkert.
718. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XXI, No. 3 (Fall) HaTnua L'Yahadut Mitkademet V'HaTnua HaMesortit (Hebrew: Reform and Conservative Judaism). Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkert.
719. Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XXI, No. 4 (Winter) Chaiyeh HaYehudim Be'Britania (Hebrew: Jewish Life in Britain). Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkert.
Syndicated Articles
720. "Anti-Semitism 1983: New Wave of an Ancient Curse." Republication of No. 623.
721. Jewish Journal (January 7)
722. Baltimore Jewish Times (January 7)
723. Jewish Ledger (Rochester, N.Y.) (January 20)
Republications and Translations
724. "Anti-Shemiot kaYom Symposion," in Tefutsot Israel, Vol. XXI, No. 1 (Spring) Translation (Hebrew) of No. 645.
725. "Federalism in America," in American Federalism: Historical Overview (kit) (U.S. Information Agency). Reprint of No. 649.
726. "The Future of Israeli Politics," in Australia/Israel Review, Vol. 8, No. 3, March 3-16. Republication of No. 696.
727. "HaProfessor ke Manhig Ruhani," in Bat-Kol (Sivan). Excerpts from No. 628.
728. "Jewish Frontier Experiences in the Southern Hemisphere: The Cases of Argentina, Australia and South Africa," in Forum, No. 48 (Spring). Reprint of No. 694.
729. The Kehillah: From Its Beginnings to the End of the Modern Epoch (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs). Reprint of No. 387.
730. "Reagan, Hussein and Begin Opt for Shared Rule" in Australia/Israel Review, Vol. 8, No. 2 (July 7-20). Reprint of No. 651.
731. Shared Rule: Scenario for the West Bank, with Shmuel Sandler (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs). Reprint of No. 642.
732. "The States as Polities in the Federal System," in Deirdre A. Zimmerman and Joseph F. Zimmerman, editors, The Politics of Subnational Government (University Press of America). Reprint of No. 574.
733. American Federalism: A View From the States, 3rd. edition, revised, (Harper and Row).
734. The Balkan Jewish Communities: Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey, with Harriet Pass Friedenrich, Baruch Hazzan, and Adina Weiss Liberies (Center for Jewish Community Studies and University Press of America).
735. The Jewish Communities of Scandinavia: Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland, with Adina Weiss Liberies and Simcha Werner (Center for Jewish Community Studies and University Press of America).
736. Understanding the Jewish Agency: A Handbook, with Alysa M. Dortort. Editor and contributor (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
Contributions to Books
737. "The American System as a Federal Democracy," in Stephen L. Schechter, editor, Teaching About American Federal Democracy (University of Nebraska Press).
738. "Cities of the Prairie, Parts I and II," in Minnesota Citizens League, Understanding the Quality of Public Life: An Anthology About Minnesota's Political Culture (Citizens League).
739. "The Cities of the Prairie and the Great Society," introduction to Rozann Rothman, The Great Society at the Grass Roots (University Press of America).
740. "Generational Breaks," in Nissan Oren, editor, When Patterns Change: Turning Points in International Politics (St. Martin's Press and Magnes Press).
741. "Introduction," in Benjamin Fain and Mervin Verbit, Jewishness in the Soviet Union (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
742. "Sephardim ve Ashkenazim: HaMasoret HaKlassit ve HaMasoret HaRomantit beYahadut" (Hebrew: "Sephardim and Ashkenazim: The Classic and Romantic Traditions in Jewish Civilization"), in David Sitton, editor, Shevet Va'Am (The Council of the Sephardic Community).
Articles (Academic)
743. "The Development of the American Synagogue," Modern Judaism, Vol. 4, No. 3 (October).
744. "Sephardim and Ashkenazim: The Classic and Romantic Traditions in Jewish Civilization," Judaism, Vol. 33, No. 2 (April).
Articles (General)
745. "Carter's Policies Opened the Door for Terrorists," The Philadelphia Enquirer (February 21).
746. "Europeans, Put Your Best Foot Forward," Exchange, No. 2 (New Series) (June).
747. "From Begin to Shamir: The Implications of Herut's Succession Struggle," with Ben Lynfield, Jerusalem Letter, No. 69 (January 4).
748. "HaKehilla HaYehudit HaMeurgenet BeArtzot HaBrit" (Hebrew: 'The Organized Jewish Community in the United States'), in Skira Chodshit, No. 10 (October).
749. "The Influence of Mordecai M. Kaplan, z"l: Part Five," in The Reconstructionist, Vol. 49, No. 8 (July/August).
750. "Introduction," in Tefutsot Yisrael, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Spring).
750a. Ma Tsofen HaAtid L'Sephardim?, Fall, 1984.
751. "Israel's Democracy Strengthened," Australia/Israel Review, Vol. 9, No. 12 (July 5-18).
752. "Israel's Internal Social-Political Rivalry," Baltimore Evening Sun (April 25).
753. "Israeli Elections: The Campaign Begins," Jerusalem Letter, No. 72 (July 6).
754. "The New Agenda for European Jewry," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 35 (October 17).
755. "Politics in a Quasi-Two Party System," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 37 (December 21).
756. "The Role of Voluntary Leadership in Jewish Education," in Forum, No. 53 (Fall).
757. "Safe Vacuous Campaigns Trip Up Israel's Top Parties," Los Angeles Times (July 25), (See No. 770).
758. "Sephardim ve Ashkenazim: HaMasoret HaKlassit ve HaMasoret HaRomantit BeYahadut" (Hebrew: "The Classic and Romantic Traditions in Judaism"), in BeMa'aracha, No. 282 (April).
759. "A Time of Constitutional Milestones in the History of Israel." Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 34 (June 12).
760. "Transforming the Thrust of the Zionist Movement to Preserve Its Spirit," in Forum, No. 51/52 (Spring/Summer).
761. "West Bank -- Share Power," New York Times (February 13).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids, Etc.
762. The Role of Voluntary Leadership in Jewish Education. Background Paper for World Leadership Conference on Jewish Education (June).
762a. 2000 and Beyond: The American Jewish Policy Agenda for our Generation, A Report of the Workshop on American Jewish Agenda
763. "A History of the UJA 1939-1982," by Mark Lee Raphael, in American Jewish History, Vol. 73, No. 4 (June).
Journals and Serial Publications
764. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 69-76. Editor, Publisher and contributor.
765. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 31-38. Editor, Publisher and contributor.
766. Publius, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Winter). Editor.
767. Publius, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Spring). Editor.
768. Publius, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Summer). Editor.
769. Publius, Vol. 14, No. 4 (Fall). Editor and contributor: Introduction.
770. Tefutsot Yisrael, Volume XXII, No. 1 (Spring) Yachasei Yisrael veHafzura (Hebrew: Israel-Diaspora Relations). Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkert, and contributor.
771. Tefutsot Yisrael, Volume XXII, No. 2 (Summer) Hagira Yehudit BeZmaneinu LeArtsot HaBrit (Hebrew: Contemporary Jewish Immigration to the United States). Co-editor, with Avihu Zakai, and contributor.
Syndicated Articles
772. "Needed in Israel: New UJA to Help Revive Zionism" (Also published under titles: "Is the Time Right for an Israeli UJA?" and "Time for an Israeli UJA").
a. The Jewish Exponent (March 2)
b. Baltimore Jewish Times (March 2)
c. Southern Jewish Weekly (February 17)
d. Jewish Times (February 9)
e. Jewish Journal (February 17)
f. Jewish Forward (February 10)
g. Israel Today (February 13)
h. The Jewish Week and The American Examiner, Inc. (March 2)
773. "Safe Vacuous Campaigns Trip Up Israel's Top Parties" (Also published under titles: "Israel's Election Suggests A New Political Reality" and "The Emerging Majority in Israel").
774. Los Angeles Times (July 25)
775. The Philadelphia Inquirer (July 29)
776. Minneapolis Star and Tribune (July)
Republications and Translations
777. "Alternative Federal Solutions to the Problem of the Administered Territories," with Ira Sharkansky (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs). Republication of Appendix, Self Rule/Shared Rule (No. 432).
778. The American System: A New View of Government in the United States, paperback edition. Edited for Morton Grodzins (Rand McNally). Republication of No. 43.
779. Cities of the Prairie, paperback edition (University Press of America). Republication of No. 122.
780. Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations (Center for the Study of Federalism). Republication of No. 550.
781. Federalism and Political Integration, editor and contributor (University Press of America and Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs). Republication of No. 481.
782. "Federalism in America," in American Review (Autumn). Republication of No. 649.
783. "Israel and Jordan Ought to Co-Administrate A Federal Status for the West Bank and Gaza," International Herald Tribune (February 14). Republication of No. 758.
784. Le Leadership Volontaire et L'Education Juive. Translation (French) of No. 753.
785. El Liderozgo Voluntario de la Educacion Judia. Translation (Spanish) of No. 753.
786. Generational Shifts in International Politics (Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies). Republication of No. 737.
787. HaManhig ve HaChinuch HaYehudi. Translation (Hebrew) of No. 753.
788. "Operationalizing the Faith of the Fathers: The Future of Zionism in Israel," in Zionist Ideas, No. 8 (Spring). Republication of No. 702.
789. "Relacoes cidade-Estado: mudancas numa era de austeridate," in Revista de administracao municipal, Vol. 31, No. 171 (April-June). Translation (Portuguese) of No. 571.
790. Self Rule/Shared Rule: Federal Solutions to the Middle East Conflict. Editor and contributor (University Press of America and Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs). Republication of No. 480.
791. Sephardim and Ashkenazim: The Classic and Romantic Traditions in Jewish Civilization (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs). Reprint of No. 755.
792. "Shared Rule: A Realistic Option," Australia/Israel Review, Vol. 9, No. 3 (February 29-March 13). Reprint of No. 758.
793. "HaYa'adim HaEzrahiim shel HaHinukh HaYehudi B'Zman HaZe" (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs). Reprint of No. 543.
794. "Yehudim BeTnua: HaGal HaChadash Shel HaNedida HaYehudit," in Tefutsot Yisrael, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Summer). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 628.
795. "Yisrael, Hapzura ve Arachai HaRuach HaYehudiim," in Tefutsot Yisrael, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Spring). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 579.
796. The Jewish Polity: Jewish Political Organization From Biblical Times to the Present, with Stuart A. Cohen (Indiana University Press).
797. Jewish Political Studies: Selected Syllabi, editor, with Tzipora D. Stein (New York: Markus Wiener Publishing, Inc.)
798. Understanding the Jewish Agency: A Handbook, second edition, revised (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
Contributions to Books
799. "Foreword" in Zelig Chinitz, A Common Agenda, The Reconstitution of the Jewish Agency for Israel (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
800. "Forces Shaping the Federal System Today," in Emerging Issues in American Federalism: Papers Prepared for ACIR's 25th Anniversary (United States Government Printing Office).
801. "The Jewish Agency Today: Myth and Reality," in Understanding the Jewish Agency: A Handbook, second edition (See No. 793 above).
802. "The New Federalism and State Elections," in Ellis Sandoz and Cecil V. Crabb, Jr., editors, Election 84: Landslide Without a Mandate? (Mentor).
803. "The U.S. Constitution and the American Tradition of Constitution-Making," in Stephen L. Schechter, editor, The Reluctant Pillar: New York and the Adoption of the Federal Constitution (Russell Sage College).
Articles (Academic)
804. "America and the Federalist Revolution," This World, Vol. 10 (Winter).
805. "Federalism and Consociational Regimes," Publius, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Spring).
Articles (General)
806. "The End of the Chief Rabbinate?," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 42 (October 31).
807. "Ideas for Pretoria," in The Jerusalem Post (August 16).
808. "The Jewish Agency: A Balance Sheet," Jerusalem Letter, No. 78 (March 18).
809. "Are There Really Jews in China?," Jerusalem Letter, No. 82 (September 1).
810. "Shaping Democracy in the Jewish Tradition," in The Jerusalem Post (December 16).
811. "Who Is A Jew?" Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 40 (May 12).
812. "Then and Now." Midstream.
Republications and Translations
813. "Are There Really Jews in China?," Igud Yotzei Sin Bulletin (November). Reprint of No. 803.
814. "City-State Relationships: Changes in an Age of Austerity" (Instituto Brasileiro de Administracao Municipal). Translation (Portuguese) of No. 571.
815. "HaSochnut HaYehudit ve Yahadut HaOlam" in Tefutsot Yisrael, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Spring). Translation (Hebrew) of No. 795.
816. "Is the Federal System Still There?," in Intergovernmental Relations Today: Perspectives and Controversies, R. J. Dilger, editor, (Prentice Hall). Republication from Hearings on the Federal Role (Washington, D. C.: United States Government Press Office, 1980).
817. "Israel's Compound Polity" in Ernest Krauss, editor, Studies of Israeli Society, Vol. III, Politics and Society in Israel. Republication of No. 412.
818. "La politique dans un systeme quasi bipartite," in Pardes, No. 1. Translation (French) of No. 752.
819. "The New Federalism: Can the States Be Trusted?," in Ellis Sandoz and Cecil V. Crabb, Jr., editors, Election 84: Landslide Without a Mandate? (Mentor). Reprint of No. 613.
820. "O Governo Federal e la Reforma do Governo Municipal," (Brasilia: United States Information Service, American Federalism Seminar). Translation (Portuguese) of No. 693.
821. "The Scope of Cooperation," in American Intergovernmental Relations: Foundations, Perspectives and Issues (CQ Press). Republication of chapter from The American Partnership (No. 15 above).
822. "Sefardim y Ashkenazim," in Dialogo, No. 16 (Spring). Translation (Spanish) of No. 713.
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids, Etc.
822a. "The Jewish Agency Project Renewal Department: A Review," with Paul E. King and Orli HaCohen.
823. Diversity and Order in State and Local Politics, by James Stever (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 1980), in Publius, Vol. 15 No. 2 (Spring).
Journals and Serial Publications
824. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 77-85. Editor and Publisher.
825. Publius, Vol. 15, No. 1.
826. Publius, Vol. 15, No. 2: Federalism and Consociationalism: A Symposium. Edited with an introduction.
827. Publius, Vol. 15, No. 3.
828. Publius, Vol. 15, No. 4.
829. Survey of Arab Affairs, No. 1 (August 12). Editor and Publisher.
830. Survey of Arab Affairs, No. 2 (November 21). Editor and Publisher.
831. Cities of the Prairie Revisited: The Closing of the Metropolitan Frontier, with Rozann Rothman, Stephen L. Schechter, Maren Allan Stein, Joseph Zikmund II (University of Nebraska Press).
832. Israel: Building a New Society (Indiana University Press).
833. Israel at the Polls, 1981: A Study of the Knesset Elections, Edited with Howard R. Penniman (American Enterprise Institute for Policy Research and Indiana University Press).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
834. Peace and Justice in South Africa are Still Possible (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
Contributions to Books
835. "Constitution-Making: The Preeminently Political Act," in Keith G. Banting and Richard Simeon, eds., Redesigning the State: The Politics of Constitutional Change (London: Macmillan Press).
836. "Federal Democracy: The U.S.A. and Europe Compared, a Political Science Perspective," with Ilan Greilsammer, in Mauro Cappelletti, et al., eds., Integration Through Law: Europe and the American Federal Experience (Walter de Gruyter).
837. "Federalism (Theory)," in Leonard L. Levy and Kenneth Karst, eds., Encyclopedia of the American Constitution (Macmillan Publishing Co.).
837a. Foreword to Sol Bloom's The Story of the Constitution (National Archives and Records Administration).
838. "The Jewish People as the Classic Diaspora," in Gabriel Sheffer, ed., Modern Diasporas in International Politics (Croom Helm).
839. "The 1981 Elections: Into the Second Generation of Statehood," in Elazar and Penniman, Israel at the Polls, 1981 (See No. 827 above).
839a. "Marketplace and Commonwealth and the Three Political Cultures," in Marilyn Gittell ed., State Politics and the New Federalism (Longman).
Articles (General)
840. "Eizeh Tafkid T'maleh haDat B'Yisrael Beatid?" (Hebrew: The Future Role of Religion in Israel), in Gesher, No. 114 (Summer).
840a. L'alliance, fondement de la tradition politique juive, in Communaute Nouvelle, Feb-March, 1988.
841. "A Federal Plan for South Africa," in The Philadelphia Inquirer, March 18.
842. "Politics in Israel: The Emerging Synthesis," in Congress Monthly, March/April.
843. "The Professor as Jewish Spiritual Leader," in Conservative Judaism, Vol. 38 No. 4 (Summer).
844. Response to Marie Syrkin, in Symposium "Does Judaism Need Feminism?," Midstream, Vol. 32 No. 4 (April).
845. "Self-Destruction Jewish Style," in The Jerusalem Post, June 24.
846. "VeNatati et Briti Shalom L'Yerushalayim" (Hebrew: "A Covenant of Peace for Jerusalem"), Ma'ariv, April 9.
847. "Who is a Jew and How? The Demographics of Jewish Religious Identification," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 53 (Sept. 24).
847a. "Judaism and Democracy: The Reality," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 48 (March 17)
847b. "What Can We Learn from the Pollard Case?" Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 60 May 26)
Journals and Serial Publications
848. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 85-90. Editor and Publisher.
849. Publius, Vol. 16 No. 1: Assessing the New Federalism. Edited with an introduction.
850. Publius, Vol. 16 No. 2. Editor.
851. Publius, Vol. 16 No. 3. Editor.
852. Publius, Vol. 16 No. 4. Editor.
853. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 3-6. Editor and Publisher.
854. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 45-56. Editor and Publisher.
855. Democracies: Patterns of Majoritarian and Consensus Government in Twenty-One Countries by Arend Lijphart, in Publius, Vol. 16 No. 4 (Fall).
Republications and Translations
856. "MiHu Yehudi VeKaytzad? HaDemographia Shel HaZehut HaDatit Hayehudit" (Hebrew: "Who is a Jew and How? The Demographics of Jewish Religious Identification"), in Gesher, No. 115 (Winter). Translation of No. 841.
857. "Sephardim VeAshkenazim: HaMasoret HaKlassit VeHamasoret HaRomantit BeYahadut" (Sephardim and Ashkenazim: "The Classic and Romantic Traditions in Judaism"). Reprint of No. 755.
858. "Zeev Jabotinsky: 100 Years," in Carolyn Toll Oppenheim ed., Listening to American Jews, Sh'ma 1970-1985, Special Edition. Reprint of No. 589.
859. Building Cities in America: Urbanization and Suburbanization in a Frontier Society (Lanham, MD: Hamilton Press).
860. Canadian Federalism: From Crisis to Constitution, edited with Harold Waller and Filippo Sabetti (University Press of America and Center for the Study of Federalism).
861. Exploring Federalism (University of Alabama Press).
862. Federalism as a Grand Design: Political Philosophers and the Federal Principle, Editor (University Press of America and Center for the Study of Federalism).
863. HaShilton HaMekomi B'Yisrael (Hebrew: Local Government in Israel). Editor, with Chaim Kalchheim, and Contributor (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
864. Project Renewal in Israel: Urban Revitalization Through Partnership. Co-authors, Paul King, Orli Hacohen, Hillel Frisch (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, University Press of America).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
865. The Constitution of the State of Israel 1987-5748. Edited and introduction (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
866. The Constitution of the State of Israel 1987-5748. Edited and introduction (Hebrew version) (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
Contributions to Books
867. "Federalism, Intergovernmental Relations, and Changing Models of the Polity," in Louis A. Picard and Raphael Zariski, eds., Subnational Politics in the 1980s: Organization, Reorganization and Economic Development (Praeger Publishers).
868. "Introduction," to Ernest Stock, Partners and Pursestrings (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs/Center for Jewish Community Studies and University Press of America).
869. "Introduction," to Lewis Anthony Dexter, How Organizations are Represented in Washington (University Press of America and Center for the Study of Federalism).
870. "Justice is Possible in South Africa," in Michael Briand, ed., A Way Out: Federalist Options for South Africa (Institute for Contemporary Studies).
871. "Our Thoroughly Federal Constitution," in Robert A. Goldwin and William A. Schambra, eds., How Federal is the Constitution? (American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research).
Articles (Academic)
872. "MeBasel Ad Yerushalayim: Be'Ikvot HaCongress HaTzioni HaLamed Alef," in Skira Chodshit, No. 12.
Articles (General)
873. "American Jewry: The View from Israel," in Sh'ma, 18/343 (December 11).
873a. "Will There Be a Voter Realignment?," in CSF Notebook, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Summer).
874. "Electoral Reform for Israel," in Jerusalem Letter, No. 65 (September 15).
875. "The Future Role of Religion in Israel," in Judaism, Vol. 36, No. 4 (Fall).
876. "The Geo-Demographics of American Christian Attitudes Towards Jews and Israel," in Jerusalem Letter, No. 91 (January 1).
877. "Kitza Shel HaRabbanut HaRasheet?" ("The End of the Chief Rabbinate?") in Apirion, 8 (Winter 1987/88).
878. "Looking Back at Habonim: Recollections of Detroit Habonim," in Jewish Frontier (September - October).
879. "The Sephardic Diaspora Today," in Sephardi World (November).
880. "Some Concrete Steps for the Improvement of Jewish Agency Programs," in Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints No. 66 (October 19).
881. "Jewish Demography - Realities and Options," with Rela Mintz Geffen Monson, Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 68 (December 30)
882. "Yahadut VeDemokratia" ("Judaism and Democracy"), in Apirion, 6 (Winter 1986/87).
Reports, Working Papers and Study Aids
883. "Shweitz KeDegem LeReforma Chukatit BeYisrael" ("Switzerland As a Model for Constitutional Reform in Israel"), in Baruch Zisser, ed., HaMaarechet HaPolitit BeYisrael: Hatza'ot LeShinui (Israel's Political System: Suggestions for Change) (Israel: experimental edition).
884. The Jewish Political Tradition and Its Contemporary Uses: A Program for Investigation, Interpretation, and Application, 2nd edition, revised, with Stuart Cohen. (See No. 662)
Journal and Serial Publications
885. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 91-98. Editor and Publisher.
885a. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 57-68. Editor and Publisher.
886. Publius, Vol. 17, No. 1. Editor and Publisher.
887. Publius, Vol. 17, No. 2. Editor and Publisher.
888. Publius, Vol. 17, No. 3. Editor and Publisher.
889. Publius, Vol. 17, No. 4. Editor and Publisher.
890. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 7-10. Editor and Publisher.
Republications and Translations
890a. Community and Polity: The Organizational Dynamics of American Jewry (See Nos. 334 & 558).
891. Local Government in Israel, Editor, with Chaim Kalchheim, and Contributor (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) (English).
892. The New Jewish Politics, Editor and Contributor (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and University Press of America).
893. The American Constitutional Tradition (University of Nebraska Press).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
894. A New Frontier for North American Jewry; Challenge to the Federations. The Parsippany Papers I (Council of Jewish Federations).
895. The Constitution of the State of Israel 1988-5749 (English) (August).
895a. The Constitution of the State of Israel 1988-5749 (Hebrew) (September).
Contributions to Books
896. Commentator and Discussant in Constitution-Makers on Constitution-Making: The Experience of Eight Nations, edited by Robert A. Goldwin and Art Kaufman (Washington: American Enterprise Institute).
897. "Foreword" to Alabama Government and Politics, by James D. Thomas and William H. Stewart (University of Nebraska Press).
898. "Foreword" to Arkansas Politics and Government: Do the People Rule? by Dianne D. Blair (University of Nebraska Press).
899. "Foreword" to The Unseen Israelis: The Jews from Turkey in Israel by Walter F. Weiker (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and University Press of America).
900. "Introduction" to Perforated Sovereignties and International Relations edited by Ivo D. Duchacek, Daniel Latouche and Garth Stevenson (Greenwood Press).
901. "Le Judaisme: organisation, regles et pouvoirs," in Le Grand Atlas des Religions, 8:42:43.
902. "Mason versus Madison: Developing an American Theory on Federal Democracy," in Martin B. Cohen, ed., The Legacy of George Mason (George Mason University Press).
903. "The National Unity Government under Shimon Peres," with Shmuel Sandler, in William Frankel, ed., Survey of Jewish Affairs 1987 (Associated University Presses).
904. "The Principles and Traditions Underlying State Constitutions," in State Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials, compiled by Robert F. Williams (Washington: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations), pp. 30-33.
905. "One God's Federal Universe," in Eugene B. Borowitz, ed., Ehad: The Many Meanings of God is One, pp. 31-34.
905a. "One God's Federal Universe," in Sh'ma, (18/257) (September 16).
Articles (Academic)
906. "Pluralism and Federalism: The Case of the United States of America," in Revue Internationale de Sociologie / International Review of Sociology, N.1/1988.
907. "Land and Liberty in American Civil Society, " in Publius, Vol. 18, No. 4 (Fall).
907a. "Israel Today and the Jewish School," Jewish Education, Vol. 56, No. 1 (Spring), pp. 11-12.
Articles (General)
908. "American Federalism at the Bicentennial," in Intergovernmental Perspective, Vol 20, No. 4 (Fall).
908a. "Commentary - Degem HaIntellectual HaOmed" in Nativ, Volume 4, September.
908b. "Do We Know the Problem - Are There Solutions?" in Judaism, Vol. 37, No. 4, Fall.
909. "Enough of All the Zionist-Bashing," in The Jerusalem Post, January 5.
910. "Exercising Sovereignty: The Israeli Elections of 1988," in Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 80 (December 1).
911. "How to Achieve Electoral Reform for Israel," in Moment, Vol. 13, No. 4 (June/Tamuz 5748).
912. "How Jewish Communal Workers Must Confront the Reality of Israel Today, " in Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Vol. 65, No. 2 (Winter).
913. "The Israeli Elections: Some Questions," in special election report of Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No.78 (September 15)
914. "The 1988 Presidential Race," in Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 75 (July 15).
915. Palestinian State -- Don't Buy It," in Moment (September).
916. "Now More Than Ever is the Time for a Federal Solution," in Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 81 (December 15).
916a. "Do We Know the Problem - Are There Solutions?" in Judaism, Vol. 37, No. 4, Fall.
Reports, Working Papers and Study Aids
917. Jewish Political Tradition: Students Course Book (Hebrew). Co-author.
918. Jewish Political Tradition: Teacher's Manual (Hebrew). Co-Author.
Journals and Serial Publications
919. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 99-105. Editor and Publisher.
920. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 69-81. Editor and Publisher.
921. Publius, Vol. 18, No. 1. Editor.
922. Publius, Vol. 18, No. 2. Editor and Contributor: Introduction to special issue "Bicommunal Societies and Polities."
923. Publius, Vol. 18, No. 3. General Editor.
924. Publius, Vol. 18, No. 4. Editor and Contributor: Introduction and article.
925. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 11-14. Editor and Publisher.
926. Philadelphia Jewish Life 1940-1985, Murray Friedman, editor, in the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (April).
927. Planning the Capitalist City: The Colonial Era to the 1920s by Richard E. Fogelsong in The Journal of Interdisciplinary History.
928. Sephardim in 20th Century America: In Search of Unity by Joseph M. Papo, in The Jerusalem Post (no date given).
928a. "The Shaping of America: A Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of History," Western Historical Quarterly. Republications and Translations
929. A Classification System for Libraries of Judaica co-authored with David H. Elazar (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs). Reprint of No. 479.
930. "The Development of the American Synagogue," in American Synagogue History: A Bibliography and State of the Field Survey edited by Alexandra Shecket Korros and Jonathan D. Sarna (Markus Weiner Publishing Inc.). Republication of No. 740.
931. "The Evolving Roles of American Congregational Rabbis," with Rela G. Monson, in Open University: Selected Topics on the American Jewish Community Vol. 1. (Hebrew). Reprint of No. 637.
932. "HaHaim HaMosdi'im Shel Yahadut America," in Open University: Selected Topics on the American Jewish Community Vol. 1 (Hebrew). Reprint of No. 217.
933. "HaFederatziot: Mosdot HaMisgeret Shel Yehudai America/Mavo Klali" (Hebrew: Federations: The Framing Institutions of American Jewry -- An Introductory Essay), in Open University: Selected Topics on the American Jewish Community Vol. 1.
934. "HaNeshira" (Hebrew: "The Noshrim: Jewish Emigres From The USSR Avoiding Israel") in Open University: Selected Topics in the American Jewish Community Vol. 2. Reprint of No. 451.
935. "Keitzad Livlom Hitpatchuyot Shiliyot Ba Demographia Ha-Yehudit" (Hebrew: "Problems and Goals of Jewish Demography)," co-written with Rela Geffen Monson in Gesher, No. 118 (Fall). Translation (Hebrew) of Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 68 (December 30, 1987).
936. "Sefardim Y Ashkenazim: La Tradicion Clasica Y Romantica en El Judaismo" ("Sephardim and Ashkenazim: The Classic and Romantic Traditions in Judaism"). Reprint of No. 816.
937. "Tafkideihem Shel Rabanei Batei-HaKnesset B'America" in Open University: Selected Topics on the American Jewish Community Vol. 2 (Hebrew). Reprint of No. 673.
938. "Yihudo V'Atido Shel Bet-HaKnesset B'America" (Hebrew: "The American Synagogue -- Its Uniqueness and Future"). Co-editor, with Joseph Wenkert, and Contributor in Open University: Selected Topics on The American Jewish Community Vol. 2. Reprint of No. 670.
939. Morality and Power: Contemporary Jewish Views, Editor and Contributor (University Press of America/Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
940. The Other Jews: The Sephardim Today (Basic Books).
941. People and Polity: The Organizational Dynamics of World Jewry (Wayne State University).
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
942. Options for Peace for Israel and the Palestinians: Political and Economic Perspectives (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
Contributions to Books
943. Commentator and Discussant in Forging Unity Out of Diversity: The Approaches of Eight Nations, edited by Robert A. Goldwin (Washington: American Enterprise Institute).
944. "Constituicoes estaduais nos sistemas federais," in Anais da Conferencia Internacional Sobre Auto - Organizacao dos Estados e a Democracia (Salvador: Assembleia Legislativa. Assessoria de Comunicacao Social), pp. 19-30.
945. "Dealing with Fundamental Regime Change: The Biblical Paradigm of the Transition from Tribal Federation to Federal Monarchy Under David," in From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Understanding Volume 1. Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox, edited by Jacob Neusner, Ernest S. Frerichs, and Nahum M. Sarna (Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press), pp. 97-132.
946. "Yahadut Ve Democratia - HaMitziut," in Yahadut Ve Democratia, (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs), pp. 7-21. (See No. 876)
947. "Foreword," in Economic and Social Policy in Israel: The First Generation edited by Moshe Sanbar (Lanham, MD: University Press of America).
Articles (Academic)
948. "The Book of Joshua as a Political Classic," in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 1, No. 1-2 (Spring).
949. "Contradictory Trends in Contemporary American Federalism: Congress and Centralization," in The Journal of State Government, Vol. 62, No. 1 (January/February).
950. "Framework and Model for Studying and Teaching the Jewish Political Tradition," in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 1, No. 3-4 (Fall).
951. "The Themes of the Jewish Political Studies Review," in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 1, No. 1-2 (Spring).
Articles (General)
952. "The Best and Only Deal," in The Jerusalem Post (March 29).
953. "Breast-beating in Toledo," in The Jerusalem Post (August 2).
954. "The Dynamics of Politics and Community," in Critical Issues Conference II; One Jewish People: From Conflict to Cohesion (The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership).
955. "Election 1988: Did Israel Move to the Right?," in Moment, Vol. 14, No. 1 (January/February).
956. "Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations in West Germany: A Fortieth Year Appraisal," special issue of Publius, Vol. 19, No. 4.
957. "Jews and Arabs in a 'Dialogue for Peace' in Toledo," in Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 92, a JCPA special report (September 1).
958. "The Israel Constitution Today: Reform and Reality," Jerusalem Letter, No. 110 (December 15).
959. "Learning From Our Failures," in Jerusalem Letter/ Viewpoints, No. 85 (April).
960. "Options and Strategies for Israeli -- Palestinian Peace," in Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 95 (November 1).
961. "Options and Strategies for Israeli -- Palestinian Peace," in Australian/Israel Review, Vol. 14 (December 12-25).
962. "The 1989 Israeli Local Elections: What Happened?," co-written with Chaim Kalchheim in Jerusalem Letter/ Viewpoints, No. 87 (May).
963. "The Recent Government Crisis and Israel's Political Future," in Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 91 (August 1).
964. "Studying and Teaching Jewish Political Studies in the University," in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 1, No. 3-4 (Fall).
965. "Too Soon to Write Off Argentine Jewry," in The Jerusalem Post (January 10).
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
966. A Plan for the Organization of the Jewish Agency / World Zionist Organization Commission for a Jewish Education co-authored with Walter Ackerman, Gerald Bubis, and Zvi Marom (February).
967. Yesodot HaMasorot HaMedinit HaYehudit (Bar Ilan / JCPA Covenant Workshop).
967a. "Federalism and Pluralism in a Free Society," conference on the Foundations of Democracy, San Jose, Costa Rica, May 15-19.
968. The Nursing Father: Moses as a Political Leader by Aaron Wildavsky, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 1, Nos. 3-4 (Fall).
969. Reagan and the States by Richard P. Nathan, Fred C. Doolittle and Associates, in Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 104, No. 1 (Spring).
Journals and Serial Publications
970. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 106-110. Editor and Publisher.
971. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 82-96. Editor and Publisher.
972. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4. Editor and Publisher.
973. Publius, Vol. 19, Nos. 1-4. Editor.
974. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 15-18. Editor and Publisher.
975. Maintaining Consensus: The Canadian Jewish Polity in the Postwar World, co-authored with Harold Waller (University Press of America).
976. Israel's Odd Couple: The 1984 Knesset and the National Unity Government, co-edited with Shmuel Sandler (Wayne State University Press).
977. Constitutionalism: The American and Israeli Experiences, editor (University Press of America/Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
Contributions to Books
978. "Developments in Jewish Community Organization in the Second Postwar Generation," in American Pluralism and the Jewish Community, edited by Seymour Martin Lipset (New Brunswick and London: Transaction), pp. 173-192.
979. "Foreword," in Efraim Torgovnik The Politics of Urban Planning Policy (University Press of America/Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs), pp. XV-XVII.
980. "The Undesirability of Reform," in Shlomo Slonim (ed.) The Constitutional Bases of Political and Social Change in the United States (Praeger).
Articles (Academic)
981. "Israel as a Jewish State," in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 2, Nos 3-4 (Fall).
982. "Opening the Third Century of Federalism: Issues and Prospects," in Annals, edited by John Kincaid (Newbury Park: Sage Publications), pp. 11-21.
983. "To Secure the Blessings of Liberty: Liberty and American Federal Democracy," Publius, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Spring), pp. 1-13.
983a. "The Future of Central Agencies," Jewish Education, Vol. 58, No. 3-4, (Fall-Winter), pp. 8-10.
Articles (General)
984. "Constitutional and Electoral Reform," A JCPA special report. Co-authored with Moshe Landau and Uriel Lynn in Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoint, No. 105 (August 15)
985. "Federal Democracy in a World Beyond Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 108 (November 1).
986. "Israel and the Diaspora: Working Together to Strengthen Jewish Unity and Continuity," Journal of Jewish Communal Service (Summer).
987. "Israel's Doubly Precarious Position," in Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 102 (June 15).
988. "Let Us Not Forget Our Own," in The Jerusalem Post (February 7).
989. "Not Whether, But How to Reform Israel's Electoral System," Moment, Vol. 15, No. 3 (June), pp. 52-53.
990. "Options for Peace," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 107 (October 1).
991. "Some Key Questions Facing the Jewish Polity in the New Decade," Jerusalem/Viewpoints, No. 99 (March 1).
991a. "A Possible Solution for 'Who is a Jew'," Baltimore Jewish Times, July 6.
Reports, Working Papers, Study Aids
992. Changing the System of Government in Israel: Direct Election of the Prime Minister. A joint proposal published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs/The Public Committee for a Constitution for Israel (September) (In English and Hebrew).
Journals and Other Serial Publications
993. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 110-117. Editor and Publisher.
994. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 92-109. Editor and Publisher.
995. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 2, Nos. 1-4. Editor and Publisher.
996. Publius, Vol. 20, Nos. 1 -4. Editor.
997. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 19-22. Editor and Publisher.
Republications and Translations
998. "HaMeimad Hamekomi shel HaShilton Ve HaPolitica BeYisrael" in The Open University, Mimshal V'Politica BeMedinat Yisrael. Republication of No. 857.
999. "Introduction to the Jewish Political Tradition" in The Open University, Mimshal V'Politica BeMedinat Yisrael. Republication of No. 911.
1000. "Escenarios Futuros de las Commundades Judias Latino Americanas en el Contexto Internacional: Hacia un Planeamiento Estrategico," Quinto Seminario del Programa de Capacitacion para Dirigentes Voluntarios y Profesionales. Translation of No.
1000a. Exploraci�n del Federalismo (Exploring Federalism) (Barcelona: Editorail Hacer).
1001. Am v'Edah (augmented Hebrew edition of Kinship and Consent: The Jewish Political Tradition and Its Contemporary Uses, editor and contributor (Rubin Mass Ltd. and the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
1002. Authority, Power and Leadership in the Jewish Polity: Cases and Issues, editor and contributor (JCPA and University Press of America).
1003. Constitutional Design and Power-Sharing in the Post-Modern Epoch, editor and contributor (JCPA and University Press of America).
1004. Federal Systems of the World, editor and contributor (Longman Group UK Limited and JCPA).
1005. Two Peoples-One Land: Federal Solutions for Israel, the Palestinians and Jordan (JCPA and University Press of America).
Contributions to Books
1006. "Cooperative Federalism," in Competition Among States and Local Governments, Dafne A. Kenyon and John Kincaid (eds.), Ch. 4, pp.65-86.
1007. "Dealing with Fundamental Regime Change: The Biblical Paradigm of the Transition from Tribal Federation to Federal Monarchy Under David," in From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Understanding, Vol. 1, Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox, edited by Jacob Neusner, Ernest S. Frerichs, and Nahum M. Sarna, Scholars Press, Atlanta, Georgia, pp.97-132.
1008. "Federal Democracy in a World Beyond Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism," in Soviet Federalism, Nationalism and Economic Decentralization, Alastair McAuley (ed.), Leicester University Press, introduction, pp.1-12.
1009. "The Lessons of the Pollard Case," in Israel and Diaspora Jewry: Ideological and Political Perspectives (ed. Eliezer Don-Yehiya), Bar-Ilan University Press, pp. 39-44.
1010. "The Polity in Biblical Israel," in Authority, Power and Leadership in the Jewish Polity, Daniel J. Elazar (ed.), JCPA and University Press of America, pp. 31-56.
1011. "Introduction" to Oklahoma Politics and Policies: Governing the Sooner State, Robert E. England, George G. Humphreys, and David R. Morgan (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press).
Articles (Academic)
1012. "Comments on A Time to Act," in Jewish Education November, 1991.
1013. "Federal Models of (Civil) Authority," Journal of Church and State, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Spring 1991), pp. 231-254.
1014. "The Future of Central Agencies," Jewish Education, Vol. 58, Nos.3-4 (Fall/Winter), pp. 8-10.
1015. "Is There a Practical Way to Bridge the Gap between Traditional Jewish and Modern Expectations of Rights and Obligations, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 3, Nos. 3 & 4 (Fall 1991).
1016. "Jewish Political Studies," Modern Judaism, Vol. 11, No. 1 (February 1991), pp.67-90.
1017. "Land, State and Diaspora in the History of the Jewish Polity," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 3, Nos. 1 & 2 (Spring 1991).
1018. "The Multi-Faceted Covenant: The Biblical Approach to the Problem of Organizations, Constitutions, and Liberty as Reflected in the Thought of Johannes Althusius," in Constitutional Political Economy (Summer 1991).
1019. "Obligations and Rights in the Jewish Political Tradition: Some Preliminary Observations," in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 3, Nos. 3 & 4 (Fall 1991).
1020. "Rights: The States and the Federal Government," in ACIR, Intergovernmental Perspective, Fall 1991.
1021. "State and Diaspora as a New Jewish Political Framework," Gesher: Journal of Jewish Affairs, 122 (Winter 1990/91), pp. 57-71 (Hebrew).
1022. "Twenty-Year Introduction," Publius, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Winter).
1022a. "A Report on What is Known, Jewish Education, Vol. 59, No. 2 (Fall), pp. 12-15.
Articles (General)
1023. "American Jewry in the 1990s: Part One -- A Growing Feeling of Jewish Victimization," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 110 (January 1, 1991).
1024. "American Jewry in the 1990s: Part Two -- The 1990 Demographic Study: Some Good News, Much Bad News," Jerusalem Letter, No. 118 (January 15, 1991).
1025. "States to the Fore," syndicated through Philadelphia Inquirer, May 1, 1991.
1026. "Bureaucracies Create Jobs for Bureaucrats" in The Jerusalem Post, November 12.
1027. "Dawn of a New South Africa," Jerusalem Letter, No. 120 (April 15, 1991).
1028. "Federalism will Preserve Yugoslavia," The Jerusalem Post (July 18, 1991).
1029. "How Strong is Orthodox Judaism -Really? The Demographics of Jewish Identification," Jewish Action, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Spring), pp. 62-64.
1030. "Is Momentum Enough? The State of the American Jewish Community Today," Jewish Education News, Vol. 12, No. 3, Summer.
1031. "Israel Under Attack," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 111, Special Report, (February 1).
1032. "Israel-Arab Peace: Where Do We Go From Here? A Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue," Survey of Arab Affairs, No. 24 (May 15, 1991)
1033. "The USSR After the Summer of 1991: Some Lessons," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 122 (December 15, 1991)
Miscellaneous Articles
1034. "The Pessimist's Optimist" an interview by Manfred Gerstenfeld, The Jerusalem Post Magazine, August 9, 1991.
Reports, Working Papers and Study Aids
1035. Study of Jewish Community Organizations, Beginning Phase II: A Consultation (JCPA).
1036. Foundations of the Jewish Polity , Workshop on the Covenant Idea and the Jewish Political Tradition, Working Paper #3, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 1991.
1036a. The Use of National Referendums (Final Draft and Executive Summary), with Kirk Preuss
1036b. Bereshith: The Book of Genesis: A Political Commentary, JCPA/CJCS
1037. "Kissing Through Glass: The Invisible Shield Between Americans and Israelis" by Joyce Starr, Jerusalem Report, (April 18).
1038. Give Us a King: Legal-Religious Sources of Jewish Sovereignty by David Polish, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 3, Nos. 1-2 (Spring).
1039. Abraham Glante, A Biography, by Albert Kalderon, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 3, Nos. 1-2 (Spring).
1040. A Century of Ambivalence: The Jews of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1881 to the Present, Zvi Gitelman, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 3, Nos. 3-4 (Fall).
1041. Binah Vol. 1 - Studies in Jewish History, Joseph Dan and Vol. 2 - Studies in Jewish Thought, Joseph Dan, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 3, Nos. 3-4 (Fall).
1042. Jewish Identity in America, David M. Gordis and Yoav Ben-Horin, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 3, Nos. 3-4 (Fall).
Journals and other Serial Publications
1043. Jerusalem Letter, Nos. 118-124, Editor and Publisher.
1044. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 110-122, Editor and Publisher.
1045. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, Vol. 3, No. 3-4, Editor and Publisher.
1046. Publius, Vol. 12, Nos. 1-4, Editor.
1047. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 23-26, Editor and Publisher.
Republications and Translations
1048. Exploracion Del Federalismo reprinted by Editorial Hacer, Barcelona, Spain.
1049. Exploring Federalism reprinted by University of Alabama Press.
1050. "U.S. Jewry in the 1990's," The Jerusalem Post (January 29). The first of a three-part series. Republication of JL/VP No. 110.
1051. "Who Counts as a Jew," The Jerusalem Post (February 19). The second of a three-part series. Republication of JL/VP No. 110.
1052. "An Aging, Shrinking Jewry," The Jerusalem Post (February 26). The third of a three-part series. Republication of JL/VP No. 110.
1053. "Is Momentum Enough? The State of the American Jewish Community Today," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 119 (Republication of #119)
1054. American Models of Revolutionary Leadership: George Washington and Other Examples, editor and contributor (Center for the Study of Federalism and University Press of America).
1055. Turning Toward Civil War: A Case Study in the Generational Rhythm of American Politics (Center for the Study of Federalism and University Press of America).
1056. A Double Bond: The Constitutional Documents of American Jewry, editor and contributor (JCPA and University Press of America).
1057. Urban Revitalization: Israel's Project Renewal and Other Experiences, editor and contributor (JCPA and University Press of America).
1058. Who's the Boss in Israel?: Israel at the Polls, 1988-89, editor and contributor (JCPA and Wayne State University Press).
1059. American Models of Revolutionary Leadership, editor and contributor (University Press of America and Center for the Study of Federalism).
Contributions to Books
1060. "Israel's Political Right and the Future," Israel's Politics in the 1990's, Bernard Reich and Gershon Kievel, eds. (Greenwood Press).
1061. "Increasing Public Awareness of Demographic Trends and Their Implications", in World Jewish Population: Trends and Policies, Sergio Della Pergola and Leah Cohen, eds. (Hebrew University), pp. 236-237, 249-250.
1062. "Introduction" to Maine Politics and Government, by Kenneth T. Palmer, G. Thomas Taylor and Marcus A. LiBrizzi (University of Nebraska Press).
1063. "Introduction" to Mississippi Government and Politics: Modernizers Versus Traditionalists, by Dale Krane and Stephen D. Schaffer (University of Nebraska Press).
1064. "Pluralism in Israel: From Covenant to Social Compact," in Perspectives on Israeli Pluralism, Kitty O. Cohen and Jane S. Gerber, eds. (The Israeli Colloquium, 1991), pp. 10-16.
1065. "Preface," in Ottomans, Turks and the Jewish Polity: A History of the Jews of Turkey, Walter F. Weiker (JCPA and University Press of America).
1066. "Yehadut Amerika Bishnot HaTishim: Hebetim Demografi'im, Chevrati'im VePoliti'im," in Beyehasei Yisrael, Artzot Habrit VeYehadut Ha'Amerikanit Be'et Mashber, (Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan Center for Strategic Studies/IDF Command and Staff College), No. 3.
1067. "Fondements de la politie juive," in Shmuel Trigano, ed. La Societe Juive: A Travers L'Histoire, Vol. II (Paris: Fayard) (French), pp. 19-66.
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
1068. The Conditions For Developing A Political Philosophy for Israel: From Covenant to Social Compact? (JCPA).
1069. Israel's Education System: An Introduction to a Study Program (Institute for the Study of Educational Systems - ISES).
1070. Federalism In The New Europe: The Seventh Hugo Wolfsohn Memorial Lecture (La Trobe University).
Articles (Academic)
1071. "Constitutional Rights in the Federal System," in Publius, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Spring).
1072. "Changing Conceptions of Rights in the U.S. and the West," in Publius, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Spring).
1073. "Deuteronomy as Israel's Ancient Constitution: Some Preliminary Reflections," in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring).
1074. "Hobbes Confronts Scripture," in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Fall).
1075. "American Jewry in the 1990s: Demographic, Social and Political Perspectives," (Hebrew), in Israel-American Jewry Relations at a Time of Crisis (Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan Center for Strategic Studies), No. 3 (September 1992), pp. 5-10.
Articles (General)
1076. "Antisemitism in the 1990s: A Symposium" in Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Winter 1991).
1077. "Can Sephardic Judaism Be Reconstructed?", in Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, Vol. 41, No. 3, (Summer).
1078. "Communal Reflections: A Report on What is Known," in Jewish Education, Vol. 59, Nos. 1-2 (Spring-Summer).
1079. "Good, Bad, and Absurd at the Peace Table," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 123 (January 1).
1080. "In Memoriam - Menachem Begin," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, (April 1).
1081. "The Israeli Knesset Elections, 1992: A First Analysis," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 258 (July 15).
1082. "The Jewish Agency: Historic Role and Current Crisis," Jerusalem Letter, No. 263 (October 15).
1083. "Jewish Aspects of the Demise of the Soviet Union and the Fall of Communism," Gesher, No. 125 (Summer) (Hebrew).
1084. "Rights: The States and the Federal Government," in Intergovernmental Perspective (Washington: ACIR).
1085. "The Sephardim and Ashkenazim in Israel: A Balance Sheet," in The Jerusalem Post, April 3, 1992.
1086. "Un Plan Federal-Confederal Pour La Paix Israelo-Palestinenne," in L'Europe: En Formation, No. 283, Winter 1991-1992. (Republication of #999).
1087. "We've Come a Long Way, But..." in The Jerusalem Post, (April 10, 1992).
1088. "What is Complicating the Peace Talks?," in Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 252 (April 1).
1088a. "Why the Neighborhood Went" in Jerusalem Report, May 21.
Reports, Working Papers and Study Aids
1089. "Introduction," Center For the Study of Federalism's Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Catalog 1992-1993 (Philadelphia).
1090. The UIA-KH-WZO Partnership: Options for the Future
1091. Technical Sheet #4: The Three Models of Polity (JCPA).
1092. As Far as Republican Principles Will Admit: Essays by Martin Diamond, William A. Schambra, ed. (Washington, D.C.: AEI Press).
1093. Death of An American Jewish Community, by Hillel Levine and Lawrence Harmon, "Why the Neighborhood Went," in Jerusalem Report, No. 27, Volume 2, (May 21, 1992).
1094. A Design for Change, by Rasheeduddin Khan, in Federalism Report.
1095. The Essential Pele Yoetz, edited and translated by Rabbi Marc D. Angel, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring).
1096. A History of the Jews in New Mexico, by Henry J. Tobias, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Fall).
1097. Jews in Another Environment: Surinam in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century, by Robert Cohen, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring).
Journals and Other Serial Publications
1098. Jerusalem Letter and Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, VP Nos. 123-123 and Combined Nos. 249-266 (Numbering combined beginning with No. 249 (15 Feb. 92), Editor and Publisher.
1099. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 4, No. 1; Vol. 4, No. 2, Editor and Publisher.
1100. Publius, Vol. 22, Nos. 1-4, Editor.
1101. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 27-30, Editor and Publisher.
Republications and Translations
1102. "Is Momentum Enough: The State of the American Jewish Community Today," Congress Monthly, Vol. 59, No. 2, February. (Republication of #119)
1103. "Good, Bad, and Absurd at the Peace Table," in ISRAFAX, Vol. IV, No. 134, Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
Contributions to Books
1104. "Foreword," Major Knesset Debates (1948-1984), Netanel Lorch, ed. (JCPA and University Press of America).
1105. "Foreword," The Israeli Economy at the Threshold of the Year 2000: Privatization and Efficiency in the Economy and Civil Service, Conference Proceedings, December 1992 (JCPA) (Hebrew).
1106. "Introduction," Colorado Politics and Government: Governing the Centennial State, Thomas E. Cronin and Robert D. Loewy ( University of Nebraska Press).
1107. "Introduction," New Jersey Politics and Government: Suburban Politics Comes of Age, Barbara G. Salmore and Stephen A. Salmore ( University of Nebraska Press).
1108. "Preface," Fundamentalist Islam and Israel: Essays in Interpretation, Raphael Israeli (JCPA and University Press of America).
1109. "Preface," The State of Israel, The Land of Israel: The Statist and Ethnonational Dimensions of Foreign Policy, Shmuel Sandler (Greenwood Press).
1110. "The National-Cultural Movement in Hebrew Education in the Mississippi Valley," in Hebrew in America: Perspectives and Prospects, Alan Mintz, ed. ( Wayne State University Press), pp. 129-154.
1111. "How Present Conceptions of Human Rights Shape the Protection of Rights in the United States," in Old Rights and New, Robert A. Licht, ed. (American Enterprise Institute), pp. 38-50.
1112. "Foreword," The Last Jews of Cochin: Jewish Identity in Hindu India, Nathan Katz and Ellen S. Goldberg (University of South Carolina Press).
1113. "Habonim Was Looked at as a Bit Wild," in Builders and Dreamers: Habonim Labor Zionist Youth in North America, J.J. Goldberg and Elliot King, eds. (Herzl Press), pp. 172-174.
1114. "Jewish Leadership Then and Now," with Murray Friedman, in When Philadelphia Was The Capital of Jewish America, Murray Friedman, ed. (Balch Institute Press), pp. 173-188.
Articles (Academic)
1115. "International and Comparative Federalism," in PS: Political Science and Politics, Vol. 26, No. 2 (June 1993) pp. 190-195.
1116. "Communal Democracy and Liberal Democracy: An Outside Friend's Look at the Swiss Political Tradition," Publius, Vol. 23, No. 2 (Spring 1993) pp. 3-18.
1117. "Communal Democracy and Liberal Democracy in the Jewish Political Tradition," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 5, Nos. 1-2 (Spring 1993) pp. 5-31.
1118. "The Case for Jewish Political Studies in the Field of Jewish Communal Service," with Gerald B. Bubis, in Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Vol. 69, No. 2/3 (Winter/Spring 1993) pp. 50-56.
1119. "A Response to Professor Gardner's 'The Failed Discourse of State Constitutionalism,'" Rutgers Law Journal, Vol. 24, No. 4, Summer 1993.
1120. "Introduction," Publius, Vol. 23, No. 2 (Spring).
1121. "Toward a Political History of the Sephardic Diaspora," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 5, No. 3-4.
Articles (General)
1122. "The Geodemographics of American Jewry," Jerusalem Letter, No. 278 (July 15).
1123. "Will There Be Peace?" Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 281 (September 15).
1124. "Now That We Have Signed," Jerusalem Letter/ Viewpoints, No. 285 (December 1).
1125. "New Challenges to Zionism," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 286 (December 15).
1126. "Pitfalls in the Proposal," in The Jerusalem Post ( November 14).
1127. "How to Create a Win-Win-Win Situation for Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians. Why Shared Rule is the Answer," in Moment, December.
1128. "The Evolution of the Jewish Agency," in Moment, December.
1129. "Not Moribund," in Governing, November.
Reports, Working Papers and Study Aids
1130. "Foreword," Education Policy at a Crossroads Between Change and Continuity: Education in Israel in the Past Decade, Haim Gaziel, (ISES).
1131. "Foreword," Revival of Jewish Communal Organization in the Former USSR, (JCPA) (Hebrew).
1131a "Jewish Political Tradition and Its Contemporary Uses," A Course of Study, with Stuart Cohen and Sara Mayer (JCPA)
1132. Gray Dawn, by Charles Hoffman, in The Jerusalem Post, August 13, 1993.
1133. Mapping American Culture, Wayne Franklin and Michael Stern, eds., Publius, Vol. 23, No. 4 (Fall 1993).
Journals and Other Serial Publications
1134. Jerusalem Letter and Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 267-286, Editor and Publisher.
1135. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 5, No. 1-2; Vol. 5, No. 3-4, Editor and Publisher.
1136. Publius, Vol. 23, Nos. 1-4, Editor, Introduction.
1137. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 31-34, Editor and Publisher.
Republications and Translations
1138. "Foreword," The Politics of Urban Planning Policy, Efraim Torgovnik (JCPA and University Press of America) (Hebrew).
1139. The American Mosaic, (Boulder, CO: Westview Press).
1140. Covenant in the Nineteenth Century, Editor and Contributor (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield)
1141. Federalism and the Way to Peace (Kingston, Ontario, CANADA: Queen's University)
1142. Israel at the Polls, 1992, Editor and Contributor with Shmuel Sandler (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield)
1142a. Federal Systems of the World, 2nd Edition, Editor and Contributor (London: Longman Group UK Limited and JCPA).
Contributions to Books
1143. "Foreword," Democracy and Halakhah, Eliezer Schweid (JCPA and University Press of America).
1144. "Foreword," Wrestling Until Day-Break: Searching for Meaning in the Thinking on the Holocaust, Eliezer Schweid (JCPA and University Press of America).
1145. "Introduction," Alaska Politics and Government, Gerald McBeath and Thomas A. Morehouse (University of Nebraska Press).
1146. "Introduction," Kentucky Politics and Government: Do We Stand United?, Penny M. Miller (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press).
1147. "Introduction," North Carolina Government and Politics by Jack D. Fleer (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press).
1148. "Introduction," South Carolina Politics and Government, Cole Blease Graham, Jr. and William V. Moore (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press).
1149. "The Federalist," Dictionnaire International Du Federalisme, Denis De Rougemont, Director, and Francois Saint-Ouen, Editor. (Bruxelles: Emile Bruylant).
1150. "What Can South Africa Learn from the United States?" South Africa's Crisis of Constitutional Democracy Robert A. Licht and Bertus de Villiers, eds. (American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research).
1151. "The Social Sciences" Report of the Task Force on Foreign Acquisitions: Israel (Cambridge, MA: Associations of Research Libraries/Association for Jewish Studies).
1152. "The Federalist Revolution and the Way to Peace," Economic Union in Federal Systems, Anne Mullins and Cheryl Saunders, eds. (Sydney, Australia: The Federation Press).
1153. "Form of State: Federal, Unitary, or ..." in Birth of a Constitution. Bertus de Villiers, ed. (Kenwyn, S.A.: Juta and Co.).
1154. "Introduction," Ahidut vePluralism shel Tohniot Limudim veTarbuyot Beit-Sifriot beMa'arekhet haHinukh haYisraeli by Joanne Harrison. Jerusalem: Institute for the Study of Educational Systems.
1154a. "The Future of Israel-Diaspora Relation," in Israel's New Future Interviews by Manfred Gerstenfeld (Jerusalem: Rubin Mass and JCPA)
Articles (Academic)
1155. "Ha Geo-Demografia HaHadasha Shel Yahadut America," Gesher No. 129, Summer 5754.
1156. "Jacob and Esau and the Emergence of the Jewish People," Judaism, No. 171, Vol. 43, No. 3, Summer.
1157. "The 1992 Knesset Elections Revisited: Implications for the Future," with Shmuel Sandler, Israel Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 2, Winter.
Articles (General)
1158. "Israel-Diaspora Relations and the Peace Process," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 288, January 16.
1159. "Green Line Settlers," The Jerusalem Post, February 17.
1160. "Reorganizing American Jewry," Congress Monthly, Vol. 61, No. 2, February/ March.
1161. "Aaron Wildavsky: In Memoriam," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 6, No. 1-2 (Spring).
1162. "Understanding the Peace Effort: A Reader's Guide," Sh'ma, September 16.
1163. "Hirhurim Al Matzavo Hademografi Shel HaAm HaYehudi HaYom," Misgav, No. 9-10.
1164. "In Memoriam: Aaron Wildavsky (1930-1933)," Publius, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Spring).
1165. "The Peace Process and the Jewishness of the Jewish State," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 299, August 1.
1166. "Tremors in Israel-Diaspora Relations," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 303, October 16.
1167. "The Opportunities of the Israel-Jordan Peace," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 304, November 1.
1168. "Responding to the Sea-Change in the Israel-Diaspora Relationship," Misgav, No. 11, Chanukah 5755.
1168a. "The Peace Process and the Jewishness of the Jewish State," Congress Monthly, Vol. 51, No. 5, November/December.
1169. Beyond Partisanship: The Jewish Agency and the Diaspora 1959-1971, by Ernest Stock, in The Jerusalem Post, February 4.
1170. The Jewish People in America series, edited by Henry Feingold, in Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 6, Nos. 1 and 2 (Spring).
Reports, Working Papers and Study Aids
1171. Religious Factors, Political Culture and Political Geography in the United States: The Problem of Political Cultural Change (CSF).
1172. Direct Democracy: Plebiscites and Referenda with Kirk Preuss (JCPA).
1172a. Education in a Society at a Crossroads: Implications for the Study of Israel's Educational System (ISES/JCPA).
1172b. The Jewish Agency Within the World Jewish Polity: A Report Prepared for the Chairman of the Executive and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JCPA).
1172c. The Significance of Federalism in Redesigning Constitutional Systems, Presented at the Conference on Redesigning the State: The Politics of Megaconstitutional Change; The Australian National University; Canberra, Australia, 27-29 July 1994.
Reprints and Translations
1173. "Federalismo," Arche, Vol. III, No. 7.
1174. Studying the Civil Community: A Guide for Mapping Local Political Systems (Center for the Study of Federalism).
1175. "Tremors in Israel-Diaspora Relations," Israfax Vol. VI, No. 182.
1176. "Modeli a Confronto," Federalismo & Societa Vol. 1, No. 4.
1176a. "Il Futuro delle Relazioni Israele-Diaspora" ("The Future of Israel-Diaspora Relation") in Il Nuovo Futuro di Israeli (Israel's New Future Interviews translated into Italian), by Manfred Gerstenfeld (Milano: Anabasi)
Journals and Other Serial Publications
1177. Jerusalem Letter and Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 287-306, Editor and Publisher.
1178. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 6, No. 1-2; Vol. 6, No. 3-4, Editor and Publisher.
1179. Publius, Vol. 24, Nos. 1-4, Editor, Introduction.
1180. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 35-38, Editor and Publisher.
1181. Covenant & Polity in Biblical Israel: Biblical Foundations & Jewish Expressions, The Covenant Tradition in Politics, Volume I (New Brunswick, NJ and London, U.K.: Transaction Publishers).
1182. Community and Polity: The Organizational Dynamics of American Jewry, 2nd ed. (Jewish Publication Society)
1183. Federalism: An Overview (Pretoria, South Africa: HSRC Publications)
1184. Albert Elazar: A Personal Memoir of My Father (JCPA)
1185. The Federation Movement at 100, editor and contributor, (JCPA, Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 7, Nos. 3/4, Fall)
Contributions to Books
1186. "Federalism and the European Idea," Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration ed. C. Lloyd Brown-John (University Press of America/ Center for the Study of Federalism)
1187. "Foreword," Johannes Althusius, Politics, Trans. and Introduction by Frederic S. Carney (Liberty Press)
1188. "Documenting Political, Economic and Social Affairs in Israel," Documenting Israel, ed. Charles Berlin (Harvard College Library)
1189. "Jewish Political Studies," Teaching Jewish Civilization: A Global Approach to Higher Education, ed. Moshe Davis (New York: New York University Press)
1190. "Introduction," Michigan Government and Politics by Verberg & Browne (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press).
1190a. "Jewish Political Studies," Teaching Jewish Civilization: A Global Approach to Higher Education (Hebrew edition) ed. Moshe Davis (New York: New York University Press).
1191. "Federalism," The Encyclopedia of Democracy, Vol. 1-4, edited by Seymour Martin Lipset (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, Inc.; and U.K.: Routeledge).
Articles (Academic)
1192. "Spinoza and the Bible," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 7, No. 1-2, Spring.
1192a. "From the Editor," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 7, No. 1-2, Spring.
1193. "Introduction: Publius -- 25 Years," Publius, Vol. 25, No. 1, Spring.
1194. "The Future of American Jewry," Contemporary Jewry. Volume 16.
1195. "A Political Leader in the Postwar Indian Jewish Community," Population Review: Demography of Developing Countries, Vol. 31, No. 1 & 2, January-December.
1196. "Introduction: 25th Anniversary," with John Kincaid, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 25, No. 2, Winter.
1197. "From Statism to Federalism: A Paradigm Shift," Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 25, No. 2, Winter.
Articles (General)
1198. "Will Israel Still be a Jewish State?" Judea Electronic Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 1.
1199. "Israel-Diaspora Relationships: Some Countervailing Tendencies," Misgav 12, April.
1200. "The Use of Direct Democracy (Referenda and Plebiscites) in Modern Government," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 317, July 2.
1200a. "The Jewish Polity: Options for the Future - Some Planning Guidelines," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 314, May 1
1201. "Transitions at the Jewish Agency Assembly, 5755-1995," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 319, August 1.
1202. "Scenarios in the Mideast Peace Process: The Likely Impact on Israel and World Jewry," Congress Monthly, Vol. 62, No. 5, September/October
1203. "How European Jewish Communities Can Choose and Plan Their Own Futures," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 320, September 1.
1204. "Two Wings of Liberal Democracy," Society, Vol. 32, No. 6 (September-October) : 23-29.
1205. "Federalism on the World Scene," Federalism and Society, Vol. 19, No. 3, Fall.
1206. "Israel and the Diaspora Must Unite," Moment: The Magazine of Jewish Culture and Opinion, Vol. 20, No. 5, October.
1207. "Yitzhak Rabin and the Israeli Polity: A Cultural Memorial," Jerusalem Letter / Viewpoints, No. 324, November 7.
1208. "Oslo Two: Where Will It Lead?" Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 325, November 15.
1209. "Yitzhak Rabin and His Legacy: The Vital Synthesis," Gesher, No. 132, Winter 1995/96.
1210. "Israel and World Jewry at the Crossroads: How to Preserve the Inner Core," Gesher, No. 132, Winter 1995/96.
1211. "The Future of American Jewry," Contemporary Jewry, Vol. 16.
1211a. "Israel After Rabin," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 326, December 15
1212. Comparative Federalism and Federation: Competing Traditions and Future Directions, by Michael Burgess and Alain-G. Gagon, Publius, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Spring).
Reprints and Translations
1213. "The End to Zionist?" The National Jewish Post and Opinion, Vol. 61, No. 20.
1214. Idee e Forme del Federalismo (Exploring Federalism) Trans. Luigi Marco Bassani (Milano: Edizioni di Comunita) (Italian).
1215. "The Peace Process of the Jewishness of Israel," AVAR ve'ATID, Vol. 2, No. 2, December, Hanukkah 5756 (Hebrew)
1216. "Sugiot Mercaziot b'Shimush b'Mishalei Am v'Kabalat Hahlatot," in Mishalei Am: Ma Yihola Yisrael Lilmod m'Nisionan shel Medinot Aherot (Jerusalem: HaMerkaz HaYerushalmi l'Inyanei Tzibor u'Medinah) (Hebrew)
1218. "Why Federalism?" Journal of the Siberian Center for Federal and Regional Studies, Volume 2 (Russian)
Journals and Other Serial Publications
1219. Jerusalem Letter and Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 307-326, Editor and Publisher.
1220. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 7, No. 1-2; Vol. 7, No. 3-4, Editor and Publisher.
1221. Publius, Vol. 25, Nos. 1-4, Editor, Introduction.
1222. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 39-42, Editor and Publisher.
1223. Covenant & Commonwealth: From Christian Separation through the Protestant Reformation, The Covenant Tradition in Politics, Volume II (New Brunswick, NJ and London, U.K.: Transaction Publishers).
Contributions to Books
1224. "Federalism, Diversity, and Rights," Federalism and Rights, Ellis Katz and G. Alan Tarr, eds. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.)
1225. "The Frontier as Chain Reaction," Frontiers in Regional Development, Yehudah Gradus and Harvey Lithwick, eds. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.) pp. 173-190.
1226. "Arachim Yehudiim Bemedinah Yehudit," in Tasrit Yisrael v'Am Hayehudi: Yisrael 2020, Tochnit Av l'Yisrael b'Shnot Haelpayim, Shlav Gimmel, Report #21, edited by Anat Gonen and Smadar Fogel, pp. 205-222.
1227. "Introduction," Illinois Politics and the Expanding Metropolitan Frontier by Gove and Nowlan (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press).
1228. "Introduction," Nevada Politics and Government: Conservatism in an Open Society by Don W. Driggs and Leonard E. Goodall (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press).
1229. "Introduction," West Virginia Politics and Government: Institutional Capacity and the Struggle for Responsive Government by Richard A. Brisbin, Jr., Robert Jay Dilger, Allan S. Hammock and Christopher Z. Mooney (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press).
1230. "The Jewish People After the Assassination," Rebuilding Jewish Peoplehood: Where Do We Go From Here? (The American Jewish Committee).
1231. "Political Philosophy and Israel's Civil Society," Jewish Philosophy and the Academy, by Emil L. Fackenheim and Raphael Jospe (Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses) pp. 237-254.
1232. "Covenant and the American Founding," Following Columbus: America 1492-1992, Miriam Eliav-Feldon, ed. (Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History) (Hebrew)
1233. "Jewish Values," Israel at 2020: Master Plan for Israel in the 21st Century, (Haifa: Technion - Israel Institute of Technology) (Hebrew)
1234 "Federalism and Democracy," Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol. 26, Y. Dinstein, ed.
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
1235. Reinventing World Jewry: Summary and Recommendations, prepared for the 10th Global Assembly of the World Jewish Congress, January.
1236. Reinventing World Jewry: How to Design the World Jewish Polity, (complete report), April
1236a. Jewish Education and Jewish Statesmanship: Albert Elazar Memorial Book (JCPA)
Articles (Academic)
1237. "The Book of Judges," Interpretation, 23:3, Spring, pp. 339-360.
1238. "Introduction: Using Federalism Today," International Political Science Review, "New Trends in Federalism," Volume 17, No. 4, October, pp. 349-351.
1239. "From Statism to Federalism: A Paradigm Shift," International Political Science Review, "New Trends in Federalism," Volume 17, No. 4, October, pp. 417-430.
Articles (General)
1240. "Non-Traditional Traditions: Israel's Secularized Religious Rituals," Moment Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 1, February.
1241. "Reinventing World Jewry - Part One: Fundamentals, Tasks and Functions," Jerusalem Letter, No. 327, January 1.
1242. "Reinventing World Jewry - Part Two: Dividing and Sharing Tasks and Functions," Jerusalem Letter, No. 328, January 15.
1243. "A Tribute to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin," At the Crossroads: World Jewry Faces Its Future, Gesher: Journal of Jewish Affairs, January.
1244. "Primaries Have Come to Israel," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 333, April 15.
1245. "Confronting the Rabin Assassination in Our Educational Institutions," Jewish Education, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 12-15.
1246. "The Real Division is Not Between Israel and the Diaspora," Misgav: New Year 5757, No. 15, p.40.
1247. "Emunah u'Masoret B'Yisrael: Retzef v'Kerah (Faith and Tradition in Israel: Continuities and Discontinuities)," Misgav: New Year 5757, No. 15, p. 15.
1248. "The Israeli Elections of 1996: Some Preliminary Analysis and First Thoughts," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 335, June 2
1249. "Religion in Israel: A Consensus for Jewish Tradition," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 341, September 1.
1250. "Why Conservative and Reform Judaism Don't Work in Israel," Moment, Volume 21, Number 5, October.
1251. "Optimal Relations Between Central and Local Government" in Local Administration, November 1996, pp. 6-8 (Hebrew).
1252. "The Tishrei Clashes: Where Do We Go from Here?" Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints No. 344, October 15.
1253. "Aunt Rose: A Memoir," American Jewish Archives, Vol. 48, No. 1, Spring-Summer.
Reports, Working Papers and Study Aids
1254. "Federal Liberty and the Jewish Political Tradition," (Academy for Jewish Philosophy, Conference on Liberty) pp. 39-54.
1254a. "Recovenanting the American Polity," (Fate of Religion in American Public Life, Georgetown University)
Reprints and Translations
1255. "How European Jewish Communities Can Choose and Plan Their Own Futures," Congress Monthly, Vol. 63, No. 1, January/February.
1256. "A Tribute to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin," At the Crossroads: World Jewry Faces Its Future, Gesher: Journal of Jewish Affairs, January (Hebrew).
1257. "Oslo II: Where Will It Lead?" Congress Monthly, Vol. 63, No. 2, March/April .
1258. "What is Federalism?" Journal of the Siberian Center for Federal and Regional Studies, Volume 3 (Russian)
Journals and Other Serial Publications
1259. Jerusalem Letter and Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 327-3, Editor and Publisher.
1260. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 8, No. 1-2; Vol. 8, No. 3-4, Editor and Publisher.
1261. Publius, Vol. 26, Nos. 1-4, Editor, Introduction.
1262. Survey of Arab Affairs, Nos. 43 & 44, Editor and Publisher. (#44 was the final issue)
1263. Adat Bnei Israel (The Jewish Polity: Jewish Political Organization from Biblical Times to the Present) with Stuart A. Cohen (Jerusalem: Rubin Mass and JCPA)
1264. Kinship & Consent: The Jewish Political Tradition and Its Contemporary Uses, 2nd Edition, Editor and Contributor (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers)
1265. A Classification System for Libraries of Judaica, 3rd Edition, with David H. Elazar (Northvale, NJ: Jason Araonson, Inc.)
1266. Israel at the Polls: 1996, with Shmuel Sandler (London: Frank Cass)
Contributions to Books
1267. "Estados Unidos: la no centralizacion constitucionalizada" in Hacia un nuevo federalismo?, Alicia Hernandez Chavez, ed. (Mexico: Fideicomiso Historia de las Americas) (Spanish)
1268. "The Israeli Political System: Introduction," in Law Enforcement in the 21st Century: Projections and Forecasts for the Israeli Society at the Turn of the Century, Vol. 2 (Jerusalem: Samuel Neaman Institute, Ministry of Public Security and JCPA) (Hebrew)
1269. "Foreword," Federalism and Political Culture, Aaron Wildavsky, David Scheicher and Brendown Swedlow, eds. (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers)
1270. "Global Change and the Future Existing Nation-States: Commentary," Self-Determination and Self-Administration: A Sourcebook, Wolfgang Danspeckgruber, ed., with Arthur Watts (Boulder, DO and London: Lynne Reinner Publishers)
Articles (Academic)
1271. "Unitary and Federal Systems" Contrasting Political Cultures and Institutions, Jean Laponce and Bernard Saint Jacques, eds.
1272. "Althusius and Federalism as Grand Design," in Rechtstheorie, Vol. 14, Beiheft 16, Karl Engisch, H. L. A. Hart, Hans Kelsen, Ulrich Klus and Sir Karl R. Popper, eds. (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot)
1273. "Introduction," Jewish Political Studies Review, "Zionism at 100," Vol. 9, No. 1/2
1274. "Contrasting Unitary and Federal Systems," International Political Science Review, Vol. 18, No. 3 (July)
1275. "The Hellenic-Ionian Leagues: The First European Confederations," Research Note, The Federalism Report, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Spring).
1276. "Education in a Society at a Crossroads: An Historical Perspective on Israeli Schooling," Israel Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, Fall.
1277. "Introduction: The Battle over Jewishness and Zionism in the Post-Modern Era," with Shmuel Sandler, Israel Affairs, Special Issue: Israel at the Polls: 1996, Vol. 4, No. 1, Autumn.
Articles (General)
1278. "The Jewish Continuity Agenda," Sh'ma, 27/533, May 2.
1279. "New Alliances Will Form Between Israel and the Diaspora: Those for Whom Being Jewish is Very Important Versus Those for Whom It is Incidental," Moment, June
1280. "Strengthening the Ties Between the American Jewish Community and the States," Jerusalem Letter, #364 (August 15)
1281. "The Future of Jewish Values in Israel," Judaism, Issue #183, Vol. 46, No. 3, Summer.
1282. "Matzavo Hademographi shel ha'am ha'yehudi kayom" ("The Contemporary Demographic Situation of the Jewish People Today"), Masuot, #3, October.
1283. "Orthodox and Non-Orthodox Judaism: How to Square the Circle," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 371, December.
1283a. "The WZO Elections - A New Beginning?" Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 369, November 2.
1284. "Realities of American Jewish Power," Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, by J. J. Goldberg, Congress Monthly, Vol. 64, No. 2, (March/April).
1285. "Realities of American Jewish Power," Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, by J. J. Goldberg, Hadassah Magazine.
1286. Binah, Volume III: Studies in Jewish History, Joseph Dan, ed., Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 9, No. 1-2 (Spring).
1287. The Jews of Chicago: From Shtetl to Suburb, Irving Cutler, Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 9, No. 1-2 (Spring).
1288. The European Union, the United Nations and the Revival of Confederal Governance, by Frederick K. Lister, The Federalism Report, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Spring)
1289. The Constitutional Revolution and the Emergence of a New Economic Order in Israel
1289a. Comparing Federal Systems in the 1990s, Ronald Watts, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Fall 1997, Volume 27, Number 4
Reports, Working Papers and Study Aids
1290. World History Curriculum (Philadelphia: Center for the Study of Federalism)
1291. Serving the Jewish Polity: The Application of Jewish Political Theory to Jewish Communal Practice, with Gerald Bubis and Melvin Silberman, eds. (JCPA / CJCS) ("HaBrit V'Hahesed: Foundations of the Jewish System").
1292. "How the Jewish Political Tradition Can Help Bridge Between Religious and Secular Jews," Where is Judaism Going? Orthodoxy and Modernity Conference, Paris (Shmuel Trigano)
1293. "Israel and the World Jewish Polity in an Age of Globalization" Yad Zvi Conference
1294. "Using Foundation Documents in the Study of Jewish Public Affairs," World Jewish Congress
Reprints and Translations
1295. "La nuevo geo-demografi del judaismo norteamericano," ("The New Geo-demographics of American Jewry"), Dialogo, Axo XXII - No. 28 (Jerusalem).
Journals and Other Serial Publications
1296. Jerusalem Letter and Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos. 327-372, Editor and Publisher.
1297. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 8, No. 1-2; Vol. 8, No. 3-4, Editor and Publisher.
1298. Publius, Vol. 27, Nos. 1-4, Editor, Introduction.
1299. International Political Science Review, Vol. 18, No. xx, Editor and Contributor
1300. Covenant & Constitutionalism: The Great Frontier and the Matrix of Federal Democracy, Covenant Tradition in Politics, Volume III (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers)
1301. Constitutionalizing Globalization: The Postmodern Revival of Confederal Arrangements (Lanham, MD; New York; London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.)
1302. Covenant & Civil Society: The Constitutional Matrix of Modern Democracy, Covenant Tradition in Politics, Volume IV (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers)
Contributions to Books
1303. "Letter to Franklin H. Littell," in A Modern Prophet: Letters to Franklin H. Littell on His 80th Birthday, June 20, 1997, Sharon Gutman Lightner and Marchia Sachs Littell, eds. (Merion Station, PA: Merion Westfield Press International)
1304. "Introduction," New York Politics and Government: Competition and Compassion, by Sarah Liebschutz (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press)
1305. "State-Local Relations: Union and Home Rule," Governing Partners: State-Local Relations in the United States, Russell L. Hanson, ed. (Boulder, CO: Westview Press)
1306. "Organisation, R�gles and Pouvoirs," in Encyclop�dia Universalis Dictionnaire du Juda�sme, Albin Michel, ed. (Paris: Encyclop�dia Universalis) (French)
1307. "The Meaning of the Establishment of the State of Israel," in Stephen Bayme and David Singer, eds., Israel at 50: A Symposium (New York: American Jewish Committee).
1308. "The Peace Process and the Jewishness of the Jewish State," in Zionism: The Sequel, Carol Diament, ed. (New York: Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc.)
1309. "Covenant," Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, Robert Wuthnow, ed. (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly)
1310. "Judaism," Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, Robert Wuthnow, ed. (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly)
1311. "Introduction," Arizona Politics and Government: The Quest for Autonomy, Democracy and Development, by David Berman (Lincoln, NE: Nebraska University Press)
1312. "Conclusion: Building European Jews Future" (Changing Places - Changing Cultures: Divergent Political Cultures of Jewish from the Same Old World Backgrounds in their New World of Emigration) in Jewish Centers and Peripheries: Europe Between America and Israel 50 Years After World War II, Ilan Troen, ed. (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers)
1313. "Jewish Political Tradition as the Basis for Jewish Civic Education: Pirkei Avot as an Example" in Judaism and Education: Essays in Honor of Walter I. Ackerman, Haim Marantz, ed. (Beer Sheva, Israel: Ben Gurion University of the Negev Press)
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
1314. How European Jewish Communities Can Choose and Plan Their Own Future, with Shmuel Trigano (Jerusalem: Institute of the World Jewish Congress) Policy Study #12.
1315. Religious Zionists in Jerusalem, JCPA Staff Report with Eli Mersel (JCPA) (Hebrew and English)
Articles (Academic)
1316. "Introduction," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 10, No. 1/2, Spring
1317. "How do the Issues in the Conversion Controversy Relate to Israel," Israel Studies Bulletin, Vol. 13, Spring
1318. "Jewish Communal Structures Around the World," Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Vol. 74, No. 2/3 (Winter/Spring, 1997/98)
1319. "Israel and the Re-Emergence of Eastern European Jewry," Judaism, Issue #188, Vol. 47, #4, Fall
1320. "Comment jeter un pont entre Juifs religieux et la�ques grace a la tradition politique juive," (How the Jewish Political Tradition Can Help Bridge Between Religious and Secular Jews) Pardes, 25, Fall, pp. 199-227
1321. "The New Europe: A Federal State or a Confederation of States," Swiss Political Science Review, Volume 4, Issue 4, Winter
1322. "The Historic and Contemporary Relationships Between Halakhah and Mishpat HaMelukhah," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 10, No. 3-4, Fall.
Articles (General)
1323. "Religious Zionists in Jerusalem," Jerusalem Letter, No. 373, January 1.
1324. "Israel at Fifty: The Meaning of the Establishment of the State of Israel," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, No. 378, March 15.
1325. "Israel at 50: Some Realities and Problems of Diversity of Expression," Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints #381, May 3.
1326. "Israel at 50: Some Issues in Building a Proper Democratic Party," Jerusalem Letter #382, May 15.
1326a. "A Partnership for Israel-Diaspora Relations," Jerusalem Letter, No. 384, June 15
1327. "Israel and Jewish Pluralism," Congress Monthly, Vol. 65, No. 3, May/June
1328. "Mizug Rashuyot - Maksam Shav" (Consolidation of Municipalities: Savings Or Spoilage) (Hebrew) Ha'Aretz, July 6
1329. "How to Provide a New Basis for Israel-Diaspora Relations," Gesher 137 (Summer).
1330. "The Realities of Pluralism," Congress Monthly, Vol. 65, No. 5, September/October
1331. "In Memoriam: Terry Sanford," The Federalism Report, Vol. 22, No. 3, Spring.
1332. "Israel's 5759 (1998) Local Elections," Jerusalem Letter, No. 395 (December 1, 1998)
1333. "Magmot m'ha'mah ha-19" (Planning for the Nineteenth Century) (Hebrew) Ha'Aretz (December 29)
1334. "The Many Faces of School Vouchers," (Introduction) Sh'ma, Vol. 29, No. 557 (December)
1335. "The Jewish State: The Next Fifty Years," Azure, No. 6, Winter 5759
1336. "In Memoriam: Terry Sanford," Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 28, No. 1
Reports, Working Papers and Study Aids
1337. "Flexibility of Federalism," presented to the Cyprus Peace Conference and appeared on the American Embassy of Cyprus web site.
1338. "American Jews and Others and the American Public Square," with Robert Licht and Alan Mittleman (PEW) or Reexamining the Issue of Religion in the Public Square
1339. "Extending the Covenant: Federalism and Constitutionalism in a Global Era," Consultation on Abraham Kuyper: A Public Theologian and His Legacy assessed, Princeton Theological Seminary
1340. "Political Science, Geography and the Spatial Dimension of Politics," Conference on Geopolitics and Globalization in the Post-Modern World, Haifa University and Ben-Gurion University
1341. "Cities of the Prairie: Building and Maintaining Civil Community" Paper prepared for the conference "Cities Of The Prairie," Ben Gurion University Beer Sheva, Israel, April 5-7, 1998
1342. "Renewable Identity," Italian Jewish Community Conference, May (DAC, Rav. Shalom Bahbout, Director)
1343. "How the Prismatic Form of Canadian Federalism Both Unites and Divides Canada," presented to the Canadian Studies Conference, Hebrew University, June.
1344. "Federalism: Combining Self-Rule and Shared Rule To Gain Constitutionalized Non-Centralization," Presented at the Forum on the Problems of Peace and War: To Unify or Divide, Florence, Italy - December
1344a. Re-Examining the Issue of Religion in the Public Square, 1998 Summer Workshop, Jerusalem
Reprints and Translations
1345. "Dal Patto Biblico as federalismo modern: il ponte della teologia federale," Elites (Italian)
1346. "Basis Hadash Lihasi Israel v'hatafuzot - kidai? (New Basis for Israel-Diaspora Relations: How?) HaDoar (August 21)
1347. "Una politica Gettata nell Arena," (Contrasting Models of Democracy: The American and French Revolutions) Martedi, Il Manifesto, December 15. (Italian)
Journals and Other Serial Publications
1348. Jerusalem Letter and Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos.373-396, Editor and Publisher.
1349. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 10, No. 1-2; Vol. 10, No. 3-4, Editor and Publisher.
1350. Publius, Vol. 28, Nos. 1-4, Editor, Introduction.
1351. Minnesota Politics and Government with Virginia Gray and Wyman Spano (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press).
1351a. "Introduction," in The New Zealand Jewish Community, Stephen Levine (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books).
Contributions to Books
1352. "Introduction," Practical Privatization: Lessons from Cities and Markets, Proceedings from June 1998 Conference in Jerusalem (Jerusalem: JCPA and Milken Institute)
1353. "Introduction," Law Enforcement in Israel: Toward the 21st Century, Proceeding from March 1998 Conference in Jerusalem (Jerusalem: JCPA and Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung)
1354. "Foreword," Post-Soviet Jewry: Critical Issues, by Betsy Gidwitz (Jerusalem: JCPA)
1355. "Response On 'The Transformation of Economic Thinking in Classical Judaism' by Jacob Neusner", Religious Belief and Economic Behavior: Ancient Israel, Classical Christianity, Islam, and Judaism and Contemporary Ireland and Africa, Jacob Neusner, ed. (Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press)
1356. "Federalism and Civil Society - Defining the Issue," Federalism and Civil Societies: An International Symposium, Jutta Kramer and Hans-Peter Schneider, eds. (Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgellschaft)
1357. "Foreword," in The Director Had a Heart Attack and the President Resigned: Board-Staff Relations for the 21st Century, Gerald B. Bubis (Jerusalem: JCPA)
1358. "Introduction," Hawaii Politics and Government, by Richard Pratt with Zachary Smith (Lincoln, NE: Nebraska University Press) scheduled for fall 1999
1359. "The Practice of Judaism in the State of Israel," Encyclopaedia of Judaism, Jacob Neusner, ed. (The Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers)
1360. "Politics, Judaism and (II) in Medieval and Modern Times," Encyclopaedia of Judaism, Jacob Neusner, ed.
1361. "Response: A Reinvented Jewish Polity in a Globalized World," Beyond Survival and Philanthropy: North American Jewry and Israel, Allon Gal and Alfred Gottschalk, eds., Hebrew Union College Press (from conference in Israel in July 1996) (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press)
1361a. "Jewish Religious, Ethnic, and National Identities: Convergences and Conflicts," in National Variations in Jewish Identity: Implications for Jewish Education, Prof. Steven M. Cohen and Gabriel Horenczyk, ed. (NY: State University of New York Press)
Monographs and Other Separately Published Items
1362. Jewish Political Thought (Miami: Florida International University, Religious Studies) Spring
1363. Documents Illustrative of Judaism as a Theopolitical Phenomenon (Miami: Florida International University, Religious Studies 4937, 5937, Philosophy 4930 and History 4930) Spring
1364. Authority, Power & Leadership in the Jewish Polity (Miami: Florida International University, Religious Studies 4937, 5937, Philosophy 4930, History 4930) Spring
1365. The Biblical Account of God's Struggle Against Human Hierarchy, Miami: Florida International University, Edna Gene and Jordan Davidson Chair in Religious Studies) Spring
1366. My Mother: A Memoir
Articles (Academic)
1367. "Tocqueville and the Cultural Basis of American Democracy," Political Science
1368. "Introduction: Reexamining the Issue of Religion in the Public Square," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 11, No. 1-2, Spring
1369. "How Do the Issues in the Conversion Controversy Relate to Israel.?" Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 11, No. 1-2, Spring
1370. "Introduction - Religion in the Public Square: Jews Among the Nations," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 11, No. 3-4, Fall
1371. "The State System + Globalization (Economic Plus Human Rights) = Federalism (State Federations Plus Regional Confederations), South Texas Law Review, vol. 40, No. 3, Summer.
1372. "Political Science, Geography, and the Spatial Dimension of Politics," in Political Geography, Vol. 18.
1372a. "Il principio fedrale: integrazione, differenze, identita," interview by Anna Loretoni in Filosofia e Discossione Pubblica, Volume 28, December 1999.
1372b. "HaBrit v'HaHesed: Foundations of the Jewish System," Judaism, Fall 1999 issue
Articles (General)
1373. "Israel's 1999 Elections: The Results," Jerusalem Letter, #406, May 20
1374. "The Jews of Miami," Jerusalem Letter, #408, June 15
1375. "A New Agenda for the Jewish People," with Manfred Gerstenfeld, Jerusalem Letter / Viewpoints, #417, November 1
1376. Policy Making in Israel: Routines for Simple Problems and Coping with the Complex by Ira Sharkansky, International Politics
1376a. William Johnson Everett, Religion, Federalism, and the Struggle for Public Life: Cases from Germany, Italy, and America (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), Theology Today, Vol. 56/1, Princeton Theological Seminary
Reports, Working Papers and Study Aids
1377. "The State of Jewish Political Studies: Where Are We, What We Have Achieved, and What We Have Neglected - After 30 Years," Prepared for the Conference on "Jewish Politics and Political Leadership in Historical Perspective," Bar-Ilan University, January
1378. "Organizational and Philanthropic Behavior of the North American Jewish Community," North American Jewish Data Bank Conference, Jim Schwartz, director, and Mervin Verbit, Academic Director, October.
1379. "Representation in Five Jewish Communities: Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, and the USA," Background Paper for the Institute for Jewish Policy Research
1380. "An American Jewish Partnership for Israel-Diaspora Relations," Paper commissioned by United Israel Appeal.
Reprints and Translations
1381. "Contrasting Unitary and Federal Systems," (originally appeared in International Political Science Review, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1997) translated into Japanese in Democratic Viability in Politics (Masahiro, Iwaski, Japan: Aichi Shukutoku University, School of Graduate Studies of Communication).
Journals and Other Serial Publications
1382. Jerusalem Letter and Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints, Nos.397-420, Editor and Publisher.
1383. Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 11, No. 1-2; Vol. 11, No. 3-4, Editor and Publisher.
1384. Publius, Vol. 29, Nos. 1-4, Editor, Introduction.
Still Moving: Recent Jewish Migration in Comparative Perspective, with Morton Weinfeld, eds. (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers)
The Conservative Movement in Judaism: Dilemmas and Opportunities, with Rela Mintz Geffen (New York: State University of New York Press)
Contributions to Books
"Developing Frontier Cities: Lessons from the Cities of the Prairie Program," in Developing Frontier Cities: Global Perspectives - Regional Contexts, Harvey Lithwick and Yehuda Gradus, eds. (The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers)
"Israel, the Jewish People, and the New World of Migration," with Morton Weinfeld in Still Moving: Recent Jewish Migration in Comparative Perspective (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers) pp 3-12
"A Reinvented Jewish Polity in a Globalized World," in Beyond Survival and Philanthropy: American Jewry and Israel, Allon Gal & Alfred Gottschalk, eds. (Cincinnati, OH: Hebrew College Press) pp 228-235
Articles (Academic)
"The State of Jewish Political Studies: Where Are We, What We Have Achieved, and What We Have Neglected - After 30 Years," Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 12, No. 1-2, Spring.
Commonwealth: The Other Road to Democracy--The Swiss Model of Democratic Self-Government
(ed.) (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield]
"Federalism: Collaboration and/or Its Evolution," Review of New Federalism to Devolution and Collaborative Federalism for Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration Robert Henry Cox, in Governance, January 2001
Cities of the Prairie: The Next Generation
Covenant Connection
Globalization, Political Culture and the Three Dimensions of Location, with Prof. Terry Clark (will be 2001-2003 approximately)

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