- The American Partnership (1962, reprinted 1965)
- American Federalism: A View From The States (1966; 2nd edition, 1973; 3rd edition, 1984)
- The American System: A New View of Government in the United States (ed.) (1966; reprinted, 1984 )
- A Classification System for Libraries of Judaica (co-author) (1968; 2nd edition, 1979; 3rd edition 1984; 4th edition, 1996)
- The Politics of American Federalism (ed.) (1969)
- Cooperation and Conflict: A Reader in American Federalism (co-editor) (1969)
- Cities of the Prairie (1970, reprinted 1984)
- The Politics of Belleville (1971)
- The Federal Polity (ed.) (1973; reprinted 1978)
- The Ecology of American Political Culture (co-editor) (1975)
- Community and Polity: The Organizational Dynamics of American Jewry (1976; paperback edition, 1980; reprinted, 1987; 2nd edition, 1995)
- Federalism and Political Integration (ed.) (1979; reprinted, 1984)
- Republicanism, Representation and Consent: Views of the Founding Era (ed.) (1979)
- Self-Rule/Shared Rule: Federal Solutions to the Middle East Conflict (ed.) (1979; reprinted, 1984)
- Covenant, Polity and Constitutionalism (co-editor) (1980)
- Kinship and Consent: The Jewish Political Tradition and Its Contemporary Uses (ed.) (1981; reprinted, 1983; 2nd edition, revised and expanded, 1996)
- Governing Peoples and Territories (ed.) (1982)
- Judea, Samaria and Gaza: Views on the Present and Future (ed.) (1982)
- Jewish Communities in Frontier Societies (co-author) (1983)
- From Autonomy to Shared Rule: Options for Judea, Samaria and Gaza (ed.) (1983)
- Balkan Jewish Communities: Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey (co-author) (1984)
- The Jewish Communities of Scandinavia: Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland (co-author) (1984)
- Understanding the Jewish Agency: A Handbook (co-editor) (1984; 2nd edition, 1985; 3rd edition, 1993)
- The Jewish Polity: Jewish Political Organization From Biblical Times to the Present (co-author) (1985)
- Federalism and Consociationalism (ed.) (1985)
- Jewish Political Studies: Selected Syllabi (co-editor) (1985)
- Israel: Building a New Society (1986)
- Cities of the Prairie Revisited: The Closing of the Metropolitan Frontier (co-author) (1986)
- Israel at the Polls, 1981 (co-editor) (1986)
- Building Cities in America: Urbanization and Suburbanization in a Frontier Society (1987)
- Exploring Federalism (1987) Winner Choice award, translated into Spanish, Catalan, Serbo-Croatian and Italian
- Project Renewal in Israel: Urban Revitalization Through Partnership (co-author) (1987)
- Federalism as a Grand Design: Political Philosophers and the Federal Principle (ed.) (1987)
- Canadian Federalism: From Crisis to Constitution (co-editor) (1987)
- Local Government in Israel (co-editor) (Hebrew edition, 1987; English edition, 1988)
- The American Constitutional Tradition (1988)
- The New Jewish Politics (ed.) (1988)
- The Other Jews: The Sephardim Today (1989)
- People and Polity: The Organizational Dynamics of World Jewry (1989)
- Morality and Power: Contemporary Jewish Views (ed.) (1989)
- Maintaining Consensus: The Canadian Jewish Polity in the Postwar World (co-author) (1990) Winner of the National Jewish Book Award
- Constitutionalism: The Israeli and American Experiences (ed.) (1990)
- Israel's Odd Couple: The 1984 Elections and the National Unity Government (co-editor) (1990)
- Federal Systems of the World: A Handbook of Federal, Confederal and Autonomy Arrangements (1991; 1994)
- Am v'Edah (Hebrew) (1991)
- Authority, Power and Leadership in the Jewish Polity: Cases and Issues (ed. & contributor) (1991)
- Constitutional Design and Power-Sharing in the Post-Modern Epoch (ed. & contributor) (1991)
- Two Peoples?One Land, Federal Solutions for Israel, the Palestinians and Jordan (1991)
- Building Toward Civil War: Generational Rhythms in American Politics (1992)
- A Double Bond: The Constitutional Documents of American Jewry (ed.) (1992)
- Urban Revitalization: Israel's Project Renewal and Other Experiences (1992)
- Who's the Boss in Israel: Israel at the Polls, 1988-1989 (ed.) (1992)
- American Models of Revolutionary Leadership: George Washington and Other Examples (ed.) (1992)
- The American Mosaic (1994)
- Covenant in the Nineteenth Century (ed.) (1994)
- Federalism and the Way to Peace (1994)
- Israel at the Polls, 1992 (ed.) (1994)
- Covenant & Polity in Biblical Israel: Biblical Foundations & Jewish Expressions, The Covenant Tradition in Politics, Volume I (1995)
- Federalism: An Overview (1995)
- Albert Elazar: A Personal Memoir of My Father (1995)
- The Federation Movement at 100, editor and contributor, (Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 7, Nos. 3/4, Fall) (1995)
- Covenant & Commonwealth: From Christian Separation through the Protestant Reformation, The Covenant Tradition in Politics, Volume II (1996)
- Jewish Education and Jewish Statesmanship: Albert Elazar Memorial Book (1996)
- Adat Bnai Yisrael (The Jewish Polity, Hebrew edition) (1997)
- Covenant and Constitutionalism: The Great Frontier and the Matrix of Federal Democracy, The Covenant Tradition in Politics, Volume III (1998)
- Constitutionalizing Globalization: The Post Modern Revival of Confederal Arrangements (1998)
- Covenant and Civil Society: The Constitutional Matrix of Modern Democracy, The Covenant Tradition in Politics, Volume IV (1998)
- Minnesota Politics and Government, with Virginia Gray and Wyman Spano (1999)
- Still Moving: Recent Jewish Migration in Comparative Perspective, with Morton Weinfeld, eds. (2000)
- The Conservative Movement in Judaism: Dilemmas and Opportunities, with Rela Mintz Geffen (2000)
- Commonwealth: The Other Road to Democracy--The Swiss Model of Democratic Self-Government
(ed.) (2001]
